How cool are these?!?!


Well-Known Member
i'm still learning alot but this is my second grow and i sure did something right. i started these inside and just put them out a couple of weeks ago. the big one just made it to 3 feet tall and it still has until late september or early october till they finish. any quesses as to how big they'll get?? i'm hoting for 7+ feet and real bushy...


They will be huge mate OMG!!!, I'd force them to flower now if I was you lol. I've read somewhere that in india, they grow 5 meters tall ha imagine that.


Well-Known Member
i'm going to grow them up until the fall and let them flower on thier own....................can you say HUGE


Well-Known Member
The plant in the third pic looks like its budding already. And good god that last pic looks like a tree. Good work mate, hope they end up alright.


Well-Known Member
Could you possibly get some closer pics of pictures 2 and 3.

If im not mistaken i think they could be males as they look alot like male pollen sacks that are growing from it.

If you get me a closer pic i can tell you for sure whether it is or not.



Well-Known Member
the only one that is budding is in pic 2 and 3. its supposed to be trainwreck. all the rest are bagseed. believe me its a female. i thought i had a male at first but they are just the biggest fricken calyxs(??) i've ever seen



Well-Known Member
i'm still learning alot but this is my second grow and i sure did something right. i started these inside and just put them out a couple of weeks ago. the big one just made it to 3 feet tall and it still has until late september or early october till they finish. any quesses as to how big they'll get?? i'm hoting for 7+ feet and real bushy...
Jesus lord, holy orgasm. How many times did you FIM/Top these beauties? God they look soo fucking amazing. Wanna mail me one? lol jk


Well-Known Member
Btw, you're gunna need an axe to cut her down :) you know that's some good ass growing when you have to use an axe or chainsaw.


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics. yes they ARE weed!!! i top every branch, sides, tops and as the new leaves come in i start to cut the larger fan leaves so all the new growth gets all the light. i have had 5 including the 2 big ones grow strange. alot of single leaves and a few with 3 fingers but the only normal leaves i had on them were the first few nodes. i think its just how i took care of them that made them freakish because there are atleast 3 different kinds of weed all with the same branching traits.... look at the 2 pictures i have of 1 that is growing leaves out of a leaf..........

