how common is it...


Was wondering how common it is for plants to be out in a forest without any fences or any protection from deers, besides deer repellant, etc, and other concoctions used to protect plants from insects. Has anyone ever done this and has not had an animal eat your plant before harvest? I understand that some amount of outdoor plants will not be extinguished before harvest more likely.

Feed back please peoples. :) :leaf: :-P


Active Member
It all depends on the area. Some might get eaten some might not. I don't know your area. Do you see deer in your region?


Active Member
it is very possible. last year i had 30 plants at a spot where i hunt in the fall. i lost 2 plants, one dug up , one to bad weather and thats it. i also had 20 plants in the forest and lost none to animals or rodents. insects however can be a problem especially in the forest. neem oil a few times before transplanting outdoors, insecticidal soap during the year, slug bait ( definitely while their small ) and most importantly, stakes to keep those fat ass buds off the ground!!


thanks so far guys, hey hillbilly did you have fencing around your plants? I assume, you used the methods you wrote down to keep the insects etc. away? yes, I see deer.


Active Member
no fencing at all. and yes these methods helped tremedously with insects. i would be careful if you decide to use the neem or oil based soaps / products. you have to apply them and let them dry before intense sunlight hit them or scorch. i usually plan my trips to the patch and go in the evening right before the sun goes down when i apply the neem or soap.