How come it feels so good to piss while high?


Active Member
I'm just gonna say peeing is underrated in general. Its so damn relaxing, but we do it so often that we have forgotten. :)


Well-Known Member
1. this is the best thread yet! Great posts, all of them really. And Definitely a guy thing, at least to say it. Do girls laugh when someone says the word fart? or doodie? not usually, just guys. And the times I smoked pot, it made relaxing effortless including muscles, nerves, brain/thoughts. When i'm having any bowel movement I'm usually too busy thinking about a million different things at once, preoccupied with a bunch of "chatter" going thru my head, instead of focussing (or not focussing) on the moment at hand. Like while peeing baked, not as many thoughts going through the old noggen, so the sensation of peeing is more isolated/in focus and relaxed. Thinking ruins a lot of things, especially being "in the moment". When ya think (blink), u miss it, fades away, then dwell on the previous moment just long enough to miss the current moment passing you by. Its a vicious cycle. Its all in the past, everything you see, feel and sense. By the time the sensation reaches your brain and is computed, its long since transpired. Instead of simply enjoying the fruits of life and being alive, from every moment to every moment, even while pissing.


Well-Known Member
2. I just read the rest of page 2, this thread is awsome. Sometimes i get similar pangs of anxiety, especially when trying to relax in bed, like "oh shit I left the oven on!" as I run out of bed, only to see that the oven is indeed off. Its almost like I enjoy the rush of the temporary self induced terror, secretely hoping that the oven WAS on still and I'd finally get the chance2 use the fire extinguisher (j/k). Learn to relax without the help of weed, and weed becomes a spiritual experience (for me at least.....instead of just a sedative or relaxer). Thats why cigs are so addictive, ppl depend on cigs to relieve stress for them rather than relieve stress by exercising, breathing, or just turning the stress off. Went out to dinner the other night, and two of my old friends that smoke cigs, smoked 4 by the end of the meal. It was like eating with crack heads or sumn. Couldnt wait 5 minutes, just sit down, relax, maybe talk. When they went to smoke the last time while the check came, i was considering leaving with the 3 remaining women at the table. And you canadians are so damn cute, "Washroom" ;-)