How come I can't do all the things promised with Elite Membership?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

I recently became a paying member of RIU, and I am not able to do half the things they say you can in the membership benefits list.

I am not able to moderate my own threads like they said I could.

Anyone else have this problem?

It's frustrating.


Elite Rolling Society
Here is what they said you could do in writing:

Elite Rolling SocietyElite Rolling Society
The Basics:

  • No advertisements on the forum
  • Username appears in red, so people know you are an Elite member
  • Elite member button appears under your name
  • Access to a super secret forum which has little moderation
Within Your Gallery:

  • Can Edit Own Files
  • Can Delete Own Files
  • Can Edit Own Comments
  • Can Delete Own Comments
  • Unlimited Files to upload
  • Unlimited Size of Files to upload
Within The Forum:

  • Can Edit Own Posts ( No Time Limit )
  • Can Delete Own Posts
  • Can Open / Close Own Threads ( Great For Your Grow Journal )
  • Unlimited Attachments
Within Your Profile:

  • 500 Private Message Allowance
  • Can Set Self to Invisible Mode
  • Can Use Custom Title ( The title underneath your name)
  • Profile Picture Double the size
  • Avatar: 200px Height / 200px Width
  • Can Upload Images for Signature
  • Maximum Characters in Signature: 2000

  • Can See Who Left User Ratings
  • Can Leave Negative Reputation
  • Can Hide Reputation from Others
Wait There is more:

  • Your name will show up here : Under Elite Rollers Society.
  • Private Forums
    • General Discussion
    • Security (including freaquently updated proxy lists)
    • Advanced growing
    • Classifieds Section
  • Monthy Drawings for prizes.... Thats right no more contests to try and win!
Monthly Speaker This will either happen in live chat or within your private access forum where you can post questions for this months guest speaker and he/she will respond Name Damien Industries Address 234, 5149 Country Hills Blvd N.W
Suite # 306 Calgary, Alberta T3A 5K8, Canada You may also pay with credit card
Elite Subscriptions

what part of "moderate your own thread" are you referring to?

I too thought I'd be able to EDIT my own thread, but after I read it again, it don't really say that. It says I can EDIT my own posts. I wish I could EDIT my own thread by EDITING other posts in my thread.
I wish I could EDIT my OLD posts, but I can't do that either. I have a 7000 post THREAD that needs editing.


Well-Known Member
Within The Forum:
Can Edit Own Posts ( No Time Limit )
Can Delete Own Posts
Can Open / Close Own Threads ( Great For Your Grow Journal )
Unlimited Attachments
I cannot edit my own posts.

I cannot delete my own posts.

I cannot open or close my own threads.

I beleive I have always had unlimited attachments so no change there.

I haven't gone through the rest of the list to see if they actually work. These are the things I am talking about.

The Basics:
No advertisements on the forum
This is not true either....

Question: Who wants to take a fucking IQ test that makes you sign up for a mobile phone service to find out the result????

Answer: No One.

No complaints on the semi nude chick though, haha


Elite Rolling Society
Try sending a PM to the MOD Fdd2blk, he's the most helpful MOD here. In your PM, send him a link to this thread.

I see what you saying, I can't do most of those tasks either.


Well-Known Member
still waiting to actually be given the elite tag since i paid three weeks ago. All i wanna do is be able to close out old journals. If i can do that i'd be happy. But can't do anything until they give me my tag.

ALSO.....noticed they were quick to transfer the funds from the paying source, but why take a month to give me what i paid for. The money was removed two days after i paid, why cant i get my purchase the same speed?


Well-Known Member
All i wanna do is be able to close out old journals. If i can do that i'd be happy.
Mafia... I lied before. Well I didn't mean to, but I didn't realize I CAN Close my own threads. I can't edit things though, that's what I really wanted. Anyway here's a pic. This should make you a little bit happy, just sucks you can't use it yet.



Well-Known Member
ok, so the first has come and gone as one memebr told me to wait and see what happens.

I dont think i trust this site anymore............


Well-Known Member
ok, so the first has come and gone as one memebr told me to wait and see what happens.

I dont think i trust this site anymore............
really! no one has a clue what happened to my money....or the upgrade promised?:evil:



Well-Known Member
really! no one has a clue what happened to my money....or the upgrade promised?:evil:

Contact your bank/credit company and tell them to reverse the charges. They'll likely do it because it means even more money for them.

Or, alternatively, involve the FBI since this does technically constitute a crime across national borders, with RIU not being based in the USA and all.

Or you can wait patiently. But no longer than 90 days.


Well-Known Member
Contact your bank/credit company and tell them to reverse the charges. They'll likely do it because it means even more money for them.

Or, alternatively, involve the FBI since this does technically constitute a crime across national borders, with RIU not being based in the USA and all.

Or you can wait patiently. But no longer than 90 days.
UUUUGGGHHHHH.......:finger: That...

sorry man, i'd rather be the annoying guy sending 100 PM's a day untill the problem is fixed before i would ever involve any branches of the alphabet boys......

Can we say " THATS CALLED SNITCHING"........I know you can!!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Or, alternatively, involve the FBI
Dude... that's a little much, no?

I personally don't like talking to government agencies hell bent on destroying people like you and me.

In fact I would rather do anything than get involved with the FBI (unless my wife got kidnapped in a foreign country or something... now that would be worth it).

It's like that skit they do on SNL news "Really?"


Well-Known Member
yea lol how long does it take hooked up a donation couple days ago now..

i wouldnt get riled up for the elite thing though it would be nice but it is a donation lol..