How cold can outdoor plants survive in?

Hard frost will damage tissue but if the plants are healthy and in large enough containers or in the ground they can withstand a light frost or two and not skip a beat
Throw a heavy cotton sheet over them for best defense. A piece of plastic at least. Frosted more than a few days here. Only brought amber and self cannibalization sooner. Gotta love sweatshirt weather.
i know strain plays a part but I think there is something else at play too...
like if you have a dry wind forming the frost crstals it makes them sharper to pierce into the cell walls or something crazy like that hahahaha
Yikes. Hit some low temps of 30 degrees in the greenhouse despite a small heater running. I see mostly leaf damage in fading leaves turning brown but more damaging are the "burnt" branches that kills the vascular tissue and all of the buds above the "burn" die off. frost_damage.jpgfrost_damage2.jpg
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