• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How close to the edge are we ?

Man o' the green

Active Member
How much time do we have before financial collapse and/or runaway inflation ?
What do you think will precipitate this, additional taxes, lower credit rating, war ?
What will happen as a result ?

Then again, maybe the economy will be just fine. I'd like to hear both sides.

This is something that I've been thinking more and more about as I look at the economy and political situation. I'm convinced that we are in serious trouble. Obama recently said that the stimulus bill was responsible for keeping us out of a second depression, and that the worst is over. I believe neither.
I keep hoping that a solution will be found to steer us out of this mess, but my hope is fading.
The only sensible course of action for me is to prepare for the worst. I'm just being more aware and following common sense, like paying off my debts.
And no, I don't care about who is to blame, so don't bother bringing up the last 8 years. And I only care about Obama's mistakes if they are indicators of future actions.

Feel free to disagree and convince me of my error in believing this scenario.


i dont know what you just said man, but you blew my fuckin mind. I plan on saving all my hard earned cash in a safe... then ill move into a house built into a mountain side with a underground bunker. ill be havin so much guns up there i wish a nugga would try something stupid. After i learn how to hunt/fish and live off the land. I can be assured that if shit gets real rough i can always rely on myself and close friends.


Well-Known Member
How much time do we have before financial collapse and/or runaway inflation ?
What do you think will precipitate this, additional taxes, lower credit rating, war ?
What will happen as a result ?

Then again, maybe the economy will be just fine. I'd like to hear both sides.

This is something that I've been thinking more and more about as I look at the economy and political situation. I'm convinced that we are in serious trouble. Obama recently said that the stimulus bill was responsible for keeping us out of a second depression, and that the worst is over. I believe neither.
I keep hoping that a solution will be found to steer us out of this mess, but my hope is fading.
The only sensible course of action for me is to prepare for the worst. I'm just being more aware and following common sense, like paying off my debts.
And no, I don't care about who is to blame, so don't bother bringing up the last 8 years. And I only care about Obama's mistakes if they are indicators of future actions.

Feel free to disagree and convince me of my error in believing this scenario.
This country has seen worse and survived. I do agree that we are in serious trouble if we don't do something pretty soon. I don't know what will push us over the edge, we may already be there. It's always best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. bongsmilie


New Member
We are already over the edge. The problem is, our politicians are spineless and won't tell us the truth, or begin the necessary actions to pull us back.

I live in California, a mismanaged socialist state. They talk about the budget deficit of 20 billion, but they never talk about the overall debt, which is now hovering near 550 billion.
The states, unlike the federal government, cannot print money ... so California is screwed. Here's what's going to happen in California: Eventually, the government is going to have to start cutting out the pork. Oh yeah, they always start with the safety services like fire and police protection. Then they talk about cutting the education system. Here's the secret though ... State employees are represented by the public employee's unions. As soon as the governor starts cutting real fat, like the bloated bureaucracy, the union members will take to the streets, and if it gets bad enough, they will riot. It will be us against them.

Now then, just multiply that above senerio by a thousand degrees and you have the federal government. The federal government has over two MILLION employees. Before the elite will allow chaos, they will start printing money like mad. This robs every citizen through the hidden tax of inflation. As soon as bread hits ten bucks a loaf, milk is at 15 bucks a gallon and the store shelves are empty, the citizens will revolt.

There are a few ways out of this mess: First, we need politicians with balls enough to stand up and tell the truth to the American people. Then we need citizens who are willing to bite the bullet and stop expecting the government to take care of them. Then the leaders need to have the balls to cut back the massive welfare state to the bone. This would entail revamping a lot of things like the public employees retirement programs, abolishing dupicate agencies, ending the war on drugs and here in California, abolishing the University of California system.

The only alternative to the above is to do what governments have historically done ... GO TO WAR!

The bottom line is: You've all heard the biblical message about sowing and reaping, right? In order to reap, one must sow. The problem with America is that the citizens have been expecting to reap without sowing.


The sky has been falling long before any of us were born and will be long after we are gone. Boom and bust cycles are a way of life. I know that I feel much happier and less stressed when I turn of the goddamn news.

Illegal Smile

I'm an optimist. I think we'll be fine. We as a people have seen the fraud of Obama and have rejected it. Recognizing the problem is the first step on the road to recovery. So the way the dems fuck up more every day encourages me greatly!


Well-Known Member
We're very close to the edge.

Its the plan for all of us anyway.

We all need to plan ahead.
The most important thing that we will face is feeding ourselves. Most people will
kill or seriously hurt others to feed their family. If you can afford it,
move somewhere far away to get away from the big city. There will be the most
chaos there. Rent a cheap house or even mobile home in the middle of nowhere with
at least 2-3 acres.
(Theres plenty of 'em here in the SoCal desert where I am, and their ordinances allow
small farm animals.)

-Pay off your debts
-Stock up on guns and ammo. Barring your windows could be a great idea.
-Talk your neighbors into learning gardening indigenous to your area.
(Its so awesome most of the people in my neighborhood garden anyway!)
-Work WITH your neighbors and work out a barter system in case it really gets bad
(ex: trading vegetables for sugar, things you can't grow in your backyard)
-Learn to preserve your food. Build a root cellar.
-Buy chickens. They don't take much to feed if you let
them free range because they also eat bugs and weeds.
-Start a rabbitry if you have dogs. They need to eat too.
-Buy dairy goats. They're the best for small farm holding. You don't
need a cow. A good dairy goat can give 2 gallons of milk PER DAY!
Thats more than enough for most families. And the bonus is you can make
butter, cheese, or anything else that uses milk. (duh!)

Your best friends in rough times to come are your neighbors. You can
all work together to help each other and come out on top. And with gardening,
and holding small farm animals, you ALWAYS have surplus, and you can always
trade it for something you need such as trading milk, butter, and cheese for anything.

Organic, home grown food and dairy products will be "GOD" when the "shit hits the fan". People will be starving because they won't be able to afford the $15 gallon
of milk, or the $10 loaf of bread.

Although you do have to factor in feed for the animals. A Bale of hay is about
$9. I'm in the process of working out how much the average family can save
by home steading. Which is what we will have to do to survive.

If you do this, and hold a job in a secure industry (ex; medical field)
all you will have to worry about is rent and utilities. Cut off your cable
and telephone, but leave the internet! :lol:

Just a little venture into what I think about everyday.
I've been having the feeling that shit is going to hit the fan very
soon, so I've been researching homesteading and self-sufficiency.


Well-Known Member
and oh yeah, learn to cook without your household appliances.

Solar ovens are becoming ever popular. They even work in the winter,
sucks if you live where its usually cloudy.


In the '50s they were building bomb shelters in their back yards. In the '60s the communist threat was going to knock the world down on domino at a time. In the '70s disco was going to make the world suck forever (oh, and we were going to have another ice age because of pollution). The '80s saw AIDS become a household word and it was going to wipe us all out within a decade. In the '90s China was going to take over the world via Wal-Mart. Now we are all terrorist targets that will probably all die of swine flu.

My point? Life is a sexually transmitted disease with no known cure and a 100% fatality rate. You might as well light up and quit crying about politics. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, then add vodka.


Well-Known Member
cali is doomed ..the USA is doomed.

HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- Zimbabwe's central bank says it will soon introduce a 100 trillion dollar note as the once prosperous country battles to keep pace with hyperinflation that has caused many to abandon the country's currency.
A boy examines the new $50 billion dollar note issued by Zimbabwe's central bank on January 13, 2009.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said the new notes that includes 50 trillion, 20 trillion and 10 trillion would be released for the "convenience of the public," according to statement released Thursday.
"In a move meant to ensure that the public has access to their money from banks, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has introduced a new family of bank notes which will gradually come into circulation, starting with the 10 trillion Zimbabwe dollar," the bank said in its announcement.
The new 100 trillion dollar bill would be worth about $300 in U.S. currency. A loaf of bread in Zimbabwe now costs about 300 billion Zimbabwean dollars -- and like most commodities, the price increases every day.
Earlier this month, Zimbabwe introduced a 50 billion dollar bill as the country battles to fight cash shortages stemming from the world's highest inflation rate. The official rate was 231 million percent as of July.
The currency is in free fall, forcing traders to peg their prices to international currency to hedge against losses. The Zimbabwean dollar is facing extinction, with most traders now accepting other countries' notes, claiming that they import their products.
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Even vegetable vendors prefer the U.S. dollar, South African rand or Botswanan pula, and most workers now demand their salaries in foreign currency. Doctors and nurses have been on strike since last September, demanding salaries in U.S. dollars. The strike coincided with a cholera epidemic that now has claimed more than 2,000 lives.
Last week, the state media reported that most teachers had left their jobs. As a result, the end-of-year examinations taken in November are yet to be graded after the markers demanded their wages in foreign currency. Schools are yet to re-open this year awaiting the examination results.
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Active Member
Are you people serious? The US economy can't be that fucked... How could it possibly get to the stage of rioting and all of that? Seems crazy to me.



Well-Known Member
Some dude crashed a plane into the IRS building, I'd say were pretty damn close. Reading the comments on CNN it seems like half the people in some form supported him. I hate the Federal gov so you know where I stand.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
California can be saved, we just need to return to a simpler way of life and better government.
Better government ? "We" need? Not I.

Might I suggest you decide what you want and others decide what they want? I'm sure you'd agree that should be an option in a "free" country?

IMO as long as government relies upon force to create and prosecute victimless crimes and extortion they will never get better. So hoping for "better government" is a bit optimistic.

Governments very existence is reliant upon the imposition of itself upon the individual. That is the BEST it can be, an imposition, but it CAN and often does get worse than that...

Simpler life? I'll agree with that point for me, but I can only speak for myself.

and remember...
Bigger government is never really the answer...unless the question is really really stupid!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
They Govt. is still holding three quarters of the stimulus money. They were in such a hurry to get it but it seems they are not in a hurry to part with it.
We have been had, the stimulus has done nothing because they haven't injected the money into the economy like they said they were.

BTW, current rate of exchange one US dollar = $378.70 Zimbabwe dollar. One Zimbabwe dollar = $0.0026 US dollar. That is some serious inflation.


Well-Known Member
the US government has a debt to income ratio of 87%..LOL
a bank wouldnt loan anyone money with a debt to income ratio that high.
the US government couldnt get a loan from a pay day shop with those kinds of debt to income ratios