How close am I to being done??

These plants are 39 days into flowering. Just tryin to get an estimated harvest date. They are grown in Scotts top soil mixed with peralite and using Miracle grow tomato plant food. Using 13, 23 watt 2700k CFLs. I dont have a magnifier so any suggestions would be appreciated. I do intend on getting one before i harvest though.


Well-Known Member
Your one bud, sideways one, shows you still have some time. A whole lot of white hairs with no real swelliing of the calyxes. The trichomes are still underdeveloped. Nice looking plants. Just throttle back the nutrients a little, I would think.

Only problem is it looks like you have no fan leaves to fall back on when you start to flush before harvest. You might find your bud leaves starting to yellow close into the buds as the plant uses all it's stored goodies up.

Perhaps next batch throttle back nute ratios a little. My guess is you had to trim alot of the lower leaves because they were most likely burnt/killed by overfeeding and/or overwatering.
I would say wait another week and then decide if you should then cut nutes and only give them water. If so, another week maybe less of straight water, or use a flushing solution, then choppy chop. I'd go longer myself....thats me though.

This is just how I see it and would handle it myself. Nice buds either way.


Well-Known Member
exactly, $8 from radioshack
60x-100x magnification, has worked for years with me.
your plants could be ripe anywherre between 15 and 60 days depending on strain
I totally agree. That is ultimately the stuff that melts your brain. Once the crystals (trichomes) start looking like little Hiroshima bombs, and say half of the hairs turn orange, and the calyxes....where the hairs (pistils) come out start getting round and seed shaped, then consider it in at least the beginning of the final stages.

Your plant gives off a first impression of probably a sativa dominant strain so I would call it at least 3 more weeks. And as long as the plant can stay decently healthy, these last weeks are when your weight is gained. I don't want to guess at %'s of gain, but it is significant. Even chopping a week earlier than normal can affect a yield substantially.

I am going to recommend you get away from the Miracle Gro. Some say it works well, but there are many better products you could use that are probably as economical, but more effective. If it works and you can manage, and feel comfortable with it, by all means use it.

Just my opinion though, but the buds look yummy, I think most will agree on that.
Thanks for all the comments guys! This is my first grow so next time I will def change a few things! I have just started using molasses and water the last 2-3 waterings no ferts and it is looking much better now!! Will post more pics as i get closer! thanks again!