how can you tell if uv got bud rot?



hello again people how do you no if uv got bud rot some of my buds are goin brown n look like there diein?:finger:
when you know your buds should be hard as a rock but they are very very squishy

also, the mold itself is tan when it first starts at purple / black when it gets bad


Grab a container and look at the bottom to see if any roots are coming out of the bottom and have turned brown. Then smell the bottom of the container, root rot smells really bad and you will know immediatly if you do.


Grab a container and look at the bottom to see if any roots are coming out of the bottom and have turned brown. Then smell the bottom of the container, root rot smells really bad and you will know immediatly if you do.
...... what?


Active Member
Grab a container and look at the bottom to see if any roots are coming out of the bottom and have turned brown. Then smell the bottom of the container, root rot smells really bad and you will know immediatly if you do.
bud rot not root rot lol:sleep:


Active Member
iv not got a camara what corses it then people could it be coz my humidity is high? :bigjoint:
could be. excess moisture causes it. if you begin curing to soon and dont let the moisture out it causes it, misting plants while the bud is developing can cause it, but i think that your humidity would have to be really high to cause it


Active Member
could be. excess moisture causes it. if you begin curing to soon and dont let the moisture out it causes it, misting plants while the bud is developing can cause it, but i think that your humidity would have to be really high to cause it
its at 85 and cant get it down ever since i put a 16pot wilma drip feeder in my tent is i take that out and cut all the roten bud out and the humidity 50 they will be ok?:-(


Well-Known Member
bud rot can seem hard on the outer of the bud, but brown rot starts frm the inside m8 so often by the time u notice it its q bad already i lost a bit to rot last grow. it does stimk though smell the brown on the buds and its a diff aroma to healthy parts. if u really are worried then cut a bit out and u will see straight away. also sorry 2 say if it is u need to chop those buds off and watch the non infected 1s closely as the spores can spread easily to affect other plants.. also jus 2 piss u off more u cant smoke the mouldy buds as its harmful so dont try! its a major fck i know but we live an learn gotta gt them humid dwn to at least 40 really m8.


Active Member
bud rot can seem hard on the outer of the bud, but brown rot starts frm the inside m8 so often by the time u notice it its q bad already i lost a bit to rot last grow. it does stimk though smell the brown on the buds and its a diff aroma to healthy parts. if u really are worried then cut a bit out and u will see straight away. also sorry 2 say if it is u need to chop those buds off and watch the non infected 1s closely as the spores can spread easily to affect other plants.. also jus 2 piss u off more u cant smoke the mouldy buds as its harmful so dont try! its a major fck i know but we live an learn gotta gt them humid dwn to at least 40 really m8.
ok mate its only on 2plants so far so hope fully i wont lose to much thanks for the help:lol:


Well-Known Member
no worrys bud its gd that its not on many. cut em out and sort out humid and i reckon u be gd. how long u gt left? its guttin aint it i lost bout 1-2 oz dry last time an only had 3 plants on the go, was so tempted jus 2 smoke it but did sum research an like fck did i then lol


Active Member
no worrys bud its gd that its not on many. cut em out and sort out humid and i reckon u be gd. how long u gt left? its guttin aint it i lost bout 1-2 oz dry last time an only had 3 plants on the go, was so tempted jus 2 smoke it but did sum research an like fck did i then lol
guted im heart broken lol and got just over a week left brov everything els was fine till my humidity got so high!:lol:


Active Member
right people iv cut all the bud rot out got my humidity down to 54 do you rekon they will be fine now i f__kin hope so cant afford to lose any more lol


Well-Known Member
thanks bro:joint:

uh oh, i think i may have a budrot problem..... the leaves on the bud itself not fan leaves, (well a bit, but more the ones on the bud... and it honestly, kinda smells of stinky feet? like i no joke smelled my foot to make sure somehow my shoes didnt make my socks stink or something.. and, the lower parts of the plant arent like that, but i am flushing right now, is it normal?? what are tell tale signs of bud rot? how can i tell? or should i just chop em off now just incase and try to save the lower buds

heres pics

there's one to show u the color of the other leaves... those buds are about... 6in diameter that have the weird smell and strange color, which couldnt be more than 2 days now, cause ive been paying attention... o htemps got a little low lately.. about 55 at night



Active Member
uh oh, i think i may have a budrot problem..... the leaves on the bud itself not fan leaves, (well a bit, but more the ones on the bud... and it honestly, kinda smells of stinky feet? like i no joke smelled my foot to make sure somehow my shoes didnt make my socks stink or something.. and, the lower parts of the plant arent like that, but i am flushing right now, is it normal?? what are tell tale signs of bud rot? how can i tell? or should i just chop em off now just incase and try to save the lower buds

heres pics

there's one to show u the color of the other leaves... those buds are about... 6in diameter that have the weird smell and strange color, which couldnt be more than 2 days now, cause ive been paying attention... o htemps got a little low lately.. about 55 at night
idk bro, looks to me like u just got some stinky ass bud:hump:, i dnt see anything there that looks like bud rot