I swear that sometimes when I here a chopper off in the distance, I can hear the door gunner on his M60......until it gets closer and I realize there's no door gunner......some sounds just trigger auto-response...........
Pretty much every night I hear choppers in my area- they fly in a criss-cross pattern and about once a month fly right over my garden. Late last fall they came over with a spot light and looked right down in my garden (and at me flipping them the bird); fortunately I completed my harvest a few weeks earlier. Local elected official said the near-by air force base is a training ground for "counter insurgency ops" for foreign military and they fly in my area to train on urban surveillance (they also train on C-130 gunships in my area for the same purpose). I'm glad I'm not an urban commando with those bad boys coming after me with guns a blazin!
Also glad to read that my seven (soon to be five) plant grow isn't worth coming after- unless the local authorities are behind quota for the month!