How can I save this seedling.


Hey all,

So I have a small seedling that is about 6 inches tall and 11 days old from seed in soil.

This Friday I will be going out of town until Monday night when I return, I do not have anyone here that I can ask to take care of the plant while I am away and I am just wondering what state to leave it in while I am gone.

Right now I have an 18/6 lightcycle on for the plant, and I can go out and buy a timer for that to keep that automated, but I will not be here to water the seedling while I am away.

Any suggestions?


Thanks, yeah I plan on buying a timer just don't have cash right now and the cheapest I can find one for is 20$.

I am trying to engineer a water deployment solution lol. Right now I've got an exacto knife, and old hamster water bottle, and some duct tape.


New Member
just water the soil and leave it alone it will probably have the most growth occur because you wont be there to fuck with it for a few days. jk but just breath on it if you do anthing besides that just keep the soil damp`not soaked.(a little soaked b4 you leave)


Active Member
you dont really need a timer while youre gone since it is in veg and just a seedling so what you can do is just put it on a 24/0 cycle until you return and it will be fine. and just water it pretty good before you leave and it will be just fine and waiting for you to get home


Active Member
just make sure your light is far enough away so that if it does grow fast while youre gone it doesnt burn 3-4 inches away should be fine