How can I post pics that don't have my info


Well-Known Member
I really really need to post some pics of my sick babies, but all of my pictures have my name attached to the file name. The file name says documentsandsettings/mypictures/MY NAME!/then the file number. I couldn't figure out how to get it off before I upload an image. HELP what do I do? What do you guys do?


Well-Known Member
I know... but when I do that at the other site my info will still be with it, and I have the same problem. I guess I have to use a random computer...I sure wish there was another way....anyone


Well-Known Member
open your pic,, RIGHT click on it, click rename, then rename it dumbass, how long have you had a comp????


Active Member
actually he would have to change the folder and location... right click cut the image file create a folder in the c: drive called pics, paste image file then upload no more name


Well-Known Member
you ALL are wrong as hell!!!!

i found your responses hilarious....

he is referring to the exif data tags in pictures

just find a program that deletes exif how to remove exif and other tags from digital pictures


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you just right click, click properties, and lastly click the tab "Summary". Finally you would edit the information or click "Advanced" button to edit it even further.

If you are indeed talking about the folder structure don't worry about that, it doesn't show up anywhere once the picture is uploaded. If you're concerned about the name, obviously just rename it.


Well-Known Member
My stupid computer has my name from when I first started and set it up....I think thats the root of the whole problem. Everything on my c drive has my name in the file extension. I'm talking about when your right click the pic and hit properties...the location of the file says c/documentsandsettings/then my name before the rest. I know that when the image is on RIU it doesn't show that stuff....but I'm worried that it would have the original location with it when it gets uploaded. I know you'll say I'm being stupid but I don't want anything real of mine on this site.


Active Member
no you have to remove the pic from the c:\documentsandsettings\then my name directory and put it in c:\ (nothing else just c:\) directory when all is said and done you hole pics file will look like this c:\photofilenumber.jpg if you do what everyone else is saying your file will look like this c:\documentsandsettings\then my name\photo file number.jpg and all you will be changing is the photo file number...

ps i was a little less stonded when i wrote this one sorry if the other one was hard to understand.


Well-Known Member
Dude, it really doesn't matter.
Upload it onto photobucket or something.
You ain't the only one in the world with your name, you afraid feds are gonna come after you? Haha, you got nothing to worry about. If they really wanted to go after you all they need is your IP address, you're name is of little importance, we're all just numbers man. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Not my ip..I use proxy(I know they can stil get me in my sleep if I don't have one eye open). Its all good now, I can't believe I didn't think of the solution sooner.....all I have to do when I upload a pic is load it directly from the camera on my E drive. I tried it and all it says is a file number and info. And yeh I'll still probably use photobucket so I can delete pics if I ever want to. Thanks for all the help fellas.


Well-Known Member
All I have to say man is don't worry so much.
Feds ain't gonna waste their time coming after ya for a few plants.
The more you worry the worst off you are, bad karma dude.
Just chill and keep lovin' your babies. :blsmoke:

Take it easy and good luck on your grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm not that worried at all...I was just messing around. But if anyone thinks I was overreacting then lets just see you post something with your name on it! All about chillin man.

I just copy and paste the img code from photobucket into my post don't I?