How can i maximize yeild in a closet grow


Active Member
Im about 1 week away from finishing my first grow my closet is about 4 feet long 2 feet wide and 5.5 feet of actually grow room. During my first grow i ended up with 2 female plants which now nearing the end of the grow i've realized that almost all of the bottom bud growth is basically non existent. Id like to say its because of little light penetration that reached them due to the very large fan leaves these plants had. My next grow i've already acquired Feminized Silver haze seeds that im really looking forward to growing. I've come to the conclusion that im going to top these plants (i didnt top the other ones which made just 1 main stalk the only real major bud producer on each plant) but aside from topping to get more bud site production from the top of the plant how would i be able to get more light penetration to the bottom?... and what would some methods be to getting that to happen.. And also what should be my max plants that i should grow in that amount of space. Thanks for reading.. and appreciate any feedback


Well-Known Member
instead of getting light to the bottom growth, just cut those buds as soon as they appear. this way the bigger buds wont lose any nutes due to trying to feed a smaller bud. hope this made sense. :)


Active Member
U mean like just completely lollipop them?.. i think thats the term... like just eliminate the entire bottom of the plant and focus more on the top?


Well-Known Member
thats what is said to do. but less lollipopping and more trimming. unless you only want one main cola. the bottom 3rd of the plant is what i take out and is described in my hand book i have here. look through my first grow still available in my signature. let me know what you think. many questions have been answered in there.


Active Member
so basically... all the branch's that are on the bottom of my plants that have like 6 hairs coming off em and zero bud actually being produced are the area's that i should of trimmed off as soon as they sprouted.. so basically focusing on the top of my plant and not so much the bottom?


Well-Known Member
topped, lst and scrog..bigger yield for sure. should even get a smaller HPS setup. like a 150 watt. youd be amazed ;)


Well-Known Member
If it were mine, id get 2 250w hps lights, use ceramic metal halide bulbs, and grow 2 2ft square plants scrog style. Lights and number of plants can very, but deff scrog that space!


Active Member
Well I had orignally looked into a scrOG grow my first time around and then realized I had more then enough hight to do a full size grow. What I'm thinking to do is to use The Topping technique, lollipopping technique. And the lst technique using fishing weights and fishing string and by doing it this way it'll let me focus mostly on producing massive tops from each plant hoping for 4 tops per plant and looking to run 3-4 plants in the closet because as oof right now I got a 4.5 ft single top plant about a week away from getting knifed and I know if I do the 3 methods I just mentioned ill be able to grow 12-16 tops with my 3-4 plants... Does this sound good to u more experienced growers?


Active Member
And also for my past grow I used a 250w hps for veg and flower but it was a light/ballast combo hood so the left side of the closet is darker because the left side mounted ballast....and I'm going to upgrade to a 400w batwing type hood with MH/HPS for veg and flower