How can I make the most of my space

Should I lst are grow normal?

  • Lst

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Normal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
hey everyone would love if any experienced growers would share they're knowledge with me. I have done small one plant grows with cfl and always lst. But now I am upgrading to a 400 watt hips and I'm growing in a closet 5ft 5in tall 2ft wide and 5ft 6in long im growing one true berry fem and 4 bag seed from some Girl Scout cookies should I lst are let them grow normally should I try a mini Scrog with the true berry only? I'm not sure lol any help would be greatly apreciated thanks guys and gals


Well-Known Member
@DrCannaPath I thought u should only scrod with fem seeds lol I'm not to advanced in the cannibas plant world but wouldn't it be dificult to weed out the males in a scrog? Thank you for your reply man
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Well-Known Member
I presume you would have a problem if a plant turns out to be male .... so it would be best to scrog feminized seeds .... however, it could be done .... when you scrog, you veg for a good time .... during that time the girls usually do show preflowers and that does help a lot. Otherwise, youd have to chop down male in the mix after training for sometime! I never scrogged non-fem seeds. Hopefully somwone with more experience with scrogfing bagseeds will chime in!

Check out my current TriStrain grow:

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I'd start lst'ing the berry, could always transition that into a scog-like or vert grow later. Start growing those bag seeds and clone them when they get a few leaves. Flip the clones, continue veg as normal on berry & bag seeds. Once you sex the clones, you'll know where to go next. Scrap any males, then you can continue lst,move into a scrog, vert or even let them go tree-style if you wanted. Or any combo, provided all the bags aren't male.

Kevin the Great

Well-Known Member
I set up a similarly sized room for a friend of mine. I used a 400 watt MH light mounted in an old stove hood that vented out to a carbon filter before outside. We set up some CFLs on clamp lights to use for supplemental side lighting when the top lighting wasn't penetrating the canopy effetively. We went with organic supersoil and he grows exclusively autos since we can't have separate veg and flower rooms. ScrOG is pretty standard.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the reply's everyone I think I'm just gonna lst all of them and hope for nice buds I have a five gallon bucket for the true berry and 4 gallon pots for the bag seeds gonna be using 3 part jungle juice and bud candy from advanced nutrients. True berry is now 3 days old the bag seeds from the Girl Scout cookies should sprout by tomorrow. When you lst what do you do when the main stem outgrows the pot start growing it around the pot?

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
That should be fine. Just keep a sharp eye out for boy parts on those baggers. Yes, start growing it around the pot. You're trying for anything less than straight up and down. You want to maximize the surface area of the plant horizontally and as evenly as possible.
Some folks here have elevated it to n art form, but any lst helps, imo.


Well-Known Member
Okay will do should I top before I lst r nah? Lol sorry for all the questions I have done research just like to hear other people's opinions


Well-Known Member
Yeah growin pheno I've never topped b4 guess it's normal to feel a little hesitant to start cutting my babies lol but I know it'll be fine


Well-Known Member
Yeah growin pheno I've never topped b4 guess it's normal to feel a little hesitant to start cutting my babies lol but I know it'll be fine
I like to just bent the growing tip over untill it snaps off, just that little itty bitty piece at the very top, seemes the plants like it better too. Imo


Well-Known Member
How many nodes do I let grow before I top? 4 is what I've seen
Ive done it at the 3rd with clones, but i do it because i only have room for 2-3 foot tall plants at most....i usually top the 3rd (so 2 below) and then when the branches from the lower nodes have 3 of their own i will usually top them and have them split off as well....but my last set of clones i got lazy with and let them chill out to long in the cloner with the little cfls and they kinda really stretched on me, so i just took what i had room for and put them straight to bloom.:oops:


Well-Known Member
Got my hps today it's not an air cooled hood I'm hoping I'll be able to cool it with 6 in inline fan crazy how much light that thing can put off compared to my 125 watt cfl lol