Well-Known Member
Really? Really? In your first post starting this "thing" you never mention a physical disability and you ask about welfare and also advise all to keep their suggestions to work to themselves as "there are no jobs". Now why would a working former Marine such as me, who broke my back in 5 places in 81 going over a cliff but still work in great pain, tell you something your mommy hasn't? Grown up in a few pages of posts? Pinhead. Grow up and learn to state your case. Additionally, after a ton of years in medicine I buy ZERO stories until I see actual substantiated proof. Please - I care zero about your sniveling begging ass. No records and no excuses. Grow up a whole lot more and then talk to adults. Frigging kids these days.I thank you for your kindness and honestybut I never really thought to tell why I needed money. I can see as just by looking at my generation of kids that you'd think I was just some lazy starting out pot head who wanted to mooch off the government and have everything handed to me like most kids my age would want. But I try to work for my money. I just like the thought of knowing I have this money because I worked hard to get it and it was worth it. I'm blessed with the ability to get up and move and work and I love using that ability that some people would do anything to do. I'll always work as long as I'm able to. I was eger to get out of the hospital more to get back to work than I was concerned about my plants or smoking that first bowl in almost 2 weeks.