How can I hang Panda Film to a drop ceiling?


Anyone have any ideas on how to best hang panda film to a drop ceiling? I tried duct tape and it didn't work, especially because I was hanging it midway on the drop ceiling squares (so there wasn't much metal to attach tape to). I need something that's not going to harm the ceiling.

My grow room is in a nice sized closet and the panda film will be 2 sides of a rectangle for my flowering plants. The other 2 sides are 2 walls in the corner of the closet. Hope that makes sense. I do not have a frame, so nothing except the ceiling to attache to.


Well-Known Member
stapels will also work or you can make it like a price of curtain and hand it on the tracks with wire or thread. And just pull it all tight.
though I think staples would probable be your best bet.

roll film at the top to kind a reinforc it then staple it pull it tight between stapels every 6"/8"


Well-Known Member
spray glue works but u wont get it off easily. move ur room and ull replace what u spray it on im pretty sure. ive used it on wood trim, tough to get off when I removed


Thanks everyone. Ended up getting PVC pipe and made the frame. Didn't really what to but nothing was hanging. The panda film is heavy!