How can I grow faster and maintain an Organic grow?


Well-Known Member
Good day members, I'm reaching out for some help..
I am using a 4 bulb T5 light, feeding with distilled water and Grow Big by Fox Farm every other watering, using fresh air from outside so about 400ppm CO2.

What can I do to improve the grow speed / quality?

Would like to maintain an organic grow, only natural stuff.. thank you!!


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Growth rates are determined mostly by the amount of light the plants get and by how much O2 is getting to the roots. In an organic grow the microbes in your soil are what feeds the plants so the higher their activity the more vigorously your plants will grow. Microbial activity creates tiny pores which promotes a highly oxygenated rhizosphere which helps plants grow strong very quickly. The microlife in your soil can help fight disease and retains moisture better than synthetic nutes which can dry out the soil forcing you to overwater.
FF grow big contains & is derived from organic compounds. However it also has chelates and dissolved salts that feed your plant but are not really all that healthy for the fungi (mycorrizea) that helps the roots uptake nutrient from the soil. Not saying not to use it just be aware that if you really want to grow in a natural organic style there are far better choices. Big bloom by FF on the other hand is totally safe for organic growing. It's best to add to organic teas but can be used on it's own like you would any other nutrient.
An easy way to grow naturally is to start a worm farm or at least aquire a supply of worm castings to use to make organic teas to feed your plants. You can recycle your soil and use it over & over again if you recharge the microbes with castings and amend your soil. The organic section contains a wealth of knowledge. Wish somebody told me about organic growing before I wasted money on bottled nutes and instead got some good mix and a worm bin. Check out a book called true living organics by The Rev and the organic section of RIU if ya want to know more.


Well-Known Member
Maybe try some organic coco grows. Never tried it but I hear the plants grow like hydro and taste like soil.

I may be mistaken but I'm pretty sure I've read about someone who does hydro in veg and soil in flower (or something like that). Fast grow in veg thatd mean and gets the good taste of soil still during flowering. I'll post something if I get Ambitious enough for search for it.


Well-Known Member
using correct size container and timing watering will be the biggest factors besides amount of light used


Well-Known Member
You can flower under 13/11 , 13.5/10.5 with a 730nm flower initiator used for a few minutes after lights-out...this shaves off some time and it's only a light.