How can i get Medical marijuana?

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Hello i am wondering on how i could get some medical marijuana i am 17 years old i have irritable bowel syndrome also i have had a past of back pain and insomnia i am prescribed two different medications for Irritable bowl and insomnia both are pills i do not take a IBS ones because by the time i have pain its kind of late to take the pills but if i do have some weed ill smoke it and it helps i also have problems with nausea when i eat a lot of times i will get sick if i have not smoked that day at least. So i need to live comfortably but in order to do it i smoke marijuana witch i can not afford to do because of the high prices of good weed and i don't find bad weed very easily also i live in Texas witch is not a medical marijuana state but would i be eligible for medical marijuana and if not what if i did live in medical state.


Active Member
in some cases you can get medical marijuana even in a non medical marijuana state, im from michigian and a friends aunt has medical marijuana for a very rare blood disease from what ive heard 2 others in michigan can get medical marijua, in a medical marijuana state from what i understand is you can tell the doctor your problems and they recomend you for a medical marijuana card


stays relevant.
Speak to your parents about your interest in trying medical marijuana as a treatment for your ailments.
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