How can I find a teaspoon so I don't over fertilize.

I do wish I had a girlfriend, but my wife probably wouldnt be impressed
This is so immature, I'm done arguing and making fun of other ppl that I would help if any of you ppl had any question. I post on this site and everyone helps me out so much and now just because I asked a stupid question, and I admit it was stupid, doesn't mean you should insult me.
Lol that is so funny. You should be a stand up comedian with a joke like that. Wow I am laughing to hard right now. Why don't you take a look at some of my plants that I grew four years ago. I guarantee you that their way better plants than you ever grew so your comment about me saying I'm not meant to grow plants makes no sense at all. I appreciate your kindness and thank you for making me laugh so hard.
I glad I could add a bit of humour to your day as you have with mine....your welcome :).
Eddie you're not going to last very long around here if you're insulted by all of this. My best advice is to own your retard question.
I said it was a stupid question, seriously why do you have to go on and on about how stupid of a question it is.
I said it was stupid and I said you don't have to insult me. I'm not going to insult you and call you a bitch because everyone on this site gives me great information whatever question it might be. So just stop acting like a little child.
The third post answered your question.
After that things tend to be a free for all around here, so grow a thick skin or unwatch the thread.
(I generally split when it gets rough) ;-)
Very true...and it's just natural for people to troll a little nowadays.
The third post answered your question.
After that things tend to be a free for all around here, so grow a thick skin or unwatch the thread.
(I generally split when it gets rough) ;-)
Lol thanks for not being a dick and telling me what really is going on. The thing is, I don't want ppl on this site to hate me. Then I will never get any advice, so thats why I acted like a pussy and said leave me alone and stop making fun of me lol. I sound like a little girl but thats ok
First you don't know where to find a teaspoon, now you fail to read the quote that most certainly did not pertain to you and get all attitudy Judy over it ........getting all flustered huh :). Jeeze lighting up, laugh, it's all just RIU showing the love :).
Thanks man I did get all flustered, I just don't like arguing. Thats why my girl hits me and makes fun of me because I am too nice. You have a good day man, peace.
Lol thanks for not being a dick and telling me what really is going on. The thing is, I don't want ppl on this site to hate me. Then I will never get any advice, so thats why I acted like a pussy and said leave me alone and stop making fun of me lol. I sound like a little girl but thats ok
Your little plant was pretty nice, since nobody else said so.
Don't be sad, people will razz you here, it will build character.
They will also give you solid advice, if you're willing to open your mind to new ideas.
It is a sea of 96% well-meaning trolls and like 2% asshole idiots and another 2% of selfless angels (haven't met them yet).
No not that sensitive but I do cry when I watch some real good movies or see someone singing really well.
I cry like this. Nothing sissy about empathy or having intense emotions. @Budley Doright don't make me cut you.