how can i eliminate the grow smell

A carbon filter works great.....most of the time. But every once and a while the ambient/outside temp and humidity will hit just the right point and I can smell my plants outside the house. It's legal where I am so I don't care, but where it's illegal it is always a risk no matter how much precaution you take.
Make sure you have negative pressure and you should be fine. As long as the air that smells is being sucked out these is no problem. I used to live in a grow house that had a garden in every bedroom and there was zero smell outside the house unless there was weed being processed in a room without a filter.
First thing you need to think about is how you are going to get air that is hot out of that closet through ducting and out of the apartment.

Because without doing that it's just going to
get too warm.. plus a filter will not remove 100% of the smell if its just recycling the same air.
Plus the humidity will keep rising and moisture will drip off the ceiling..then your filter will work even less.
Plus without air exchange your co2 will diminish.

I say this because you are talking about a sealed closet..

Doing everything it takes to run a grow properly , either a sealed one with dehumidifier, scrubbing, added co2, or a non sealed one with an active air exchange. Will be noisy , so regardless of the smell it's not going to be secret to people living in the same apartment.
Op, I don't know what the penalties are for an illegal grow where you're at, but if you're that nervous about smell inside the house, you shouldn't risk it. For the most part, you wouldn't be able to smell mine, but there are instances when you could. If it was just outside you were worried about, I'd say go for it.
i didnt start my grow yet i dont feel confident enough and im worried about the smell so im hesitating to start.. the problem is i live in a flat and my wife sister come to live with us because its more near to her university .. im worried that the smell can leak out .. what do you think guys, would it be smelly even if i seald the closet with carbon filters and i attend to use also ona odor neutralizer and clean the surface in my room dailly with odor eliminators plus putting airpurifier. lastly grow something lick jack herer and northren lights strain with low odor
would that be enough to not have anykind of smell in my room/house ?

NOTE (cannabis is illegal in my place)

Myself personally i would say find another grow spot. Your grow area seems small and many possibilities of smell coming out.
I know you said you live in a flat but do you have a loft?
Relax guys, pretty sure he is attending to his fans right now,bongsmilie tell her its an air purifier and it cant be switched off for your asthma and snoring problem at night
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Use a plug-in air freshener like glade. I have a closet grow with little ventilation, only around the folding closet door edges. No filters or ducting. My whole apartment reeks, especially from the strains I'm growing, but the air freshener does a great job at masking it... if I closed the door to my office where the grow closet is I don't know if there would be much smell in the rest of my place..
^thing like that perplex me. How in the good-god-wizardry are you growing with no filters?!

At one point, I had 2 BRAND NEW 12" Can Fan Filters, and there was a few weeks near end of harvest when I could go outside and you'd think I DIDN'T have ANY filters! :O
Carbon filter exhausting from the grow, won’t even need the ona gel, do the same where you dry too and it’ll be fine just don’t go telling everybody about it
Even with scrubbed air through carbon there still will be that specific smell unless you vent it outside the house. Ppl who are not familiar with that smell wont have a clue, but those who know… about the ona gel I can not say from my experience, but I remember somebody advising against that. I think I have read its pretty strong stuff, industrial junk, with high possibility to ruin the crop. If you know what I mean. I would also consider to add some more headroom to your built if you can. Have fun and happy growing
Dang, so you're trying to grow weed for the first time, in a flat, without your flatmate finding out about it?

Good luck...hiding it from occasional visitors is one thing, but hiding it from someone you live with sounds like 24/7 anxiety for the next 4-6 months...

I dunno what your relationship with this person is like, but it sounds like it's your place and they're moving in. Could you just tell them you're planning to grow weed and if they want to live with you they're gonna have to deal with it (but you'll keep it as discreet as possible)?