how can i clone with short branches?

This plant is 3 weeks old, 7 inches tall, been growing about an inch a day in the past few days id like to clone but the branches seem too short
Yeah =( I know about that but I wasn't necessarily into topping it. I wasn't sure what the chances of survival were with such short cuttings. Thanks though..


Well-Known Member
Yeah =( I know about that but I wasn't necessarily into topping it. I wasn't sure what the chances of survival were with such short cuttings. Thanks though..
What do you plan to clone, a single leaf? Correct me if i'm wrong but I only see one upward branch. If that's the case Someguy has your best option.


Well-Known Member
LST it for a month and you'll have all sorts of shoots to pick from...also get it as close to the fixture as possible...g/l
Idk what I was thinking lol yeah I don't really want to but ill prob top, I'm debating going out n cutting it right now lol
Honestly I don't even know much about the basics of cloning, I've never done it before. But the growth of this plant is amazing and I want more lol if its female ill be alright


Well-Known Member
Take clippings just before you flower, that way you have new ones going when you harvest. And you'll have nice clones too.