How can I avoid being caught

I all ways heard that; that was a rumor.. that they cant pick heat up from a marijuna plant.. thats why we plant them spaced out so they can't see them.. they fly around looking for paths.. trash.. freshely dug up dirt... shit like that to spot it... and that flar only pics up actual heat...

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
I all ways heard that; that was a rumor.. that they cant pick heat up from a marijuna plant.. thats why we plant them spaced out so they can't see them.. they fly around looking for paths.. trash.. freshely dug up dirt... shit like that to spot it... and that flar only pics up actual heat...
They can see them with flir, go search youtube for flir videos... They have filters on the flir, that are set specificly for marijuana plants. It makes everything else grey and the pot shows up as red.. Hell they have sattelites in space they can do the same thing with, they dont even need the choppers..


Well-Known Member
As long as it is not seen by those on the ground then you should be OK. The paranoia around here is very weird.
Have you ever been imprisoned Throwed? Paranoia is worrying which solves nothing, I agree with that, but precautions are the only thing that keep us alive in the first place.

Put the same care into the stealth of that plant as you do to keep yourself well each day... nuff said

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
I had 175 plants in a 2 acre field last year and it was within 2 miles of a major airport with a shit load of copters,theres only one chopper here to worry about and Ive personally had him hit a 1 acre patch with 40 plants chest high and he flew right over them and kept going.He circled them 4 or 5 times but he never got them so is he going to see 1 plant?Hell No


Well-Known Member
I had 175 plants in a 2 acre field last year and it was within 2 miles of a major airport with a shit load of copters,theres only one chopper here to worry about and Ive personally had him hit a 1 acre patch with 40 plants chest high and he flew right over them and kept going.He circled them 4 or 5 times but he never got them so is he going to see 1 plant?Hell No
Indicas? Thats a good story, you still use that spot? Lots of vegetation? I'm curious...


Active Member
dude one plant, you got no worries, 29 maube then there is some. im growing like 30, just grow inconspicuously. grow them with other plants, put them in the bramble etc. and you will be fine


Well-Known Member
lol like everybody else is saying, a single plant is nothing, the pigs up high in the sky in the big metal bird wont even notice anything different in the vegetation even with ten plants stuck together. Ive tended to plots with over a hundred fully budded plants all stuck in one plot, they were so big they were practically waving at the pigs to come get them lol. There is fly overs around here quite a bit looking for pot, but I never hear much of them actually being succesfull. Just think of the buddy flying the copter, they spend an entire day out buzzing above trees looking at the same crap for hours, green trees, green grass, green shrubs, everything green, many variations of green also, To be able to distingush marijuana plants among hundreds of millions of other green growing plants is a very extremly difficult task. Just make everything look natural, less bare dirt exposed the better, dont have heavy trails which you could see from the air. Yea, one plant buddy I woodnt even give a single worry about helicopters finding it. I think helicopters should be the last thing on your mind, Id be more worried about animals and people, Ive never lost plants to police, but ive lost thousands to animals and human over the years. You better make sure that one plant gets lots of love, and grows massive.
well.. i came up with a 100% proof plan for stopping choppers.. no joke.. when he flies by your neighbors house... take a full metal jacket round and put through the plans motor... quickly... put a rat tail file down the barrel of the gun you used... go outside.. shoot some squirells with a shot gun.. *to prove why you have gun powder on your hands* then... when they come up .. say "huh.. wasn't me" well.. next year.. *day.. week.. month etc. etc.* put another round through that god damn plane.. eventually.. them mother fuckers will get the point!! na, im jp!! :)


Well-Known Member
yes i have personally had them find one plant.put them in highly vegetated area and try not to beat a circle down around your plants from walking around it that's very easy to see from the sky.i have been fighting the choppers for years now it's rough seems like they find what you think they wont and fly right over one's your worried about.

best of luck


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about one plant. I live in the path of the airport, and have had up to 30 plants outside. Of course I have tons of other types of plants too. I use gardenias, honeysuckle, roses and jasmine to help cover the smell.
i have always heard around airport's are good cause they cant hover and circle because of air traffic and like i said they can find one i have had them find one and miss ten 50 yards away


Well-Known Member
i have had good luck with tying them down to ground (i cut and use coat hangers bend hooks in them)plus i can grow more out in the open without fear of getting a ten foot monster.
all your lateral branches will turn towards the light i dont tie them just the tip plant all year long.
it'll look like a row of colas at end of year i have even had the plant grow roots into the ground 6 feet up stalk where the stalk was touching the ground,great success this way
works great on a old fence line
