nepali grizzly
Well-Known Member
the copters also look for trails that lead to your grow spot. a trail from the air is a dead giveaway. They look for trails that look like a lollipop from the air....------O
cops are not gonna moniter your grow. if they find it, it's destroyed right there, johnny-on the -spot.No need for that stuff, I am an artist so I work at home and I can see this spot from my back porch, so if someone was ever snooping around trying to set up a camera I'd know. We live in neighborhood that has only one street in and our house is at a dead end so it would be very difficult for Leo to catch me unaware. My biggest concern is really the trail that leads to my yard but like I said there are other trails over there that lead to other yards but mine is closest. I doubt I will ever have to worry because I'm doing a very small op but living in the state I live in you never really know. Next year I will make a much safer op with no trails leading to my yard. I can access the area from the street a few houses away and will do it that way next year. You have to understand this spot is right next to my house, no one can see it unless you cross a huge ditch which no one ever does so it's a perfect spot. I really could not have asked for a better place to grow pot.
flair cams-is what they call them-those can detect heat coming form houses.
I'm not lying about what a deputy sheriff friend of mine is telling me, they used to use infared to detect mj grow in cornfields. where did you get your info from on this so I know for sure?Bad advice on the traps. Do NOT booby-trap your grow, as this is actually a separate offense they can charge you with. If a law enforcement officer is injured by your traps, you're looking at some very serious charges. Not a good idea to booby trap your grow, whether you're growing indoors or out.
Infrared can't detect outdoor grows. The plants don't give off any more heat than the surrounding vegetation so it's impossible to distinguish cannabis from any other herbaceous plant. There is some sort of remote sensing technology that can "possibly" distinguish cannabis from other plants, but it doesn't work very well and AFAIK isn't widely used.
Growing indoors you should be fine as long as you aren't venting the heat from your grow room directly to the outside via a suspicous-looking vent, or aren't growing in a poorly insulated attic space with lots of super-hot lights.
Heat diffusion + insulation are key. As long as your grow room stays about the same temps as the rest of your house, you won't set off any red flags.
Now thats just paranoia to the extreme! Con-Ed, So-Cal Ed, PG&E, et al........have NO time, resources, or inclination to start tracking every bloody meter that spikes a few kilowatts now and then. Jeezzzz... get realWhat would you call unusual power consumption? At first i always thought it was power usage but now im hearing they can or do track times of large power usage, maybe they can nail it down to see its a light schedule?
No, not the fert! It is the indoor grow lighting, (HPS, MH, 1,000's of watts of heat!). If the grow is in an upstairs or attic space, the roof will "glow" infra red compared to other rooftops. A basement grow under same lighting would probably be O.K. These new CFL & LED setups give off less heat than a large screen t.v., though the jury is still out regarding their ability to really get the job done. Bottom line: Less watts = Less heat = Less infra red = Less chance of cops at the door!i thought it was the fertilizer that let of heat??
I'm not lying about what a deputy sheriff friend of mine is telling me, they used to use infared to detect mj grow in cornfields. where did you get your info from on this so I know for sure?![]()
I'm beginning to believe that maybe he's a macho bullshitter more than anything. although I haven't seen or talked to him in 2 years, I always thought what he was telling me was true. now I've been doing some reading on this subject and I too have come to the conclusion that infared cannot detect anything from plant growth. I don't wanna go into great detail with this friend if we cross paths again, for fear of arrousing suspicion. he's a friend that is a cop, and I'll leave it at that. thanks for the great insight.Here's a study that was done on the possibility of using remote sensing (not infrared, because infrared can't distinguish between different types of vegetation, they ALL look the same under IR) to detect OUTDOOR cannabis grows.
where did I get my info from? Lots of reading, that's where. If your deputy sheriff friend told you they can see cannabis growing in a cornfield with infrared, he's full of shit. Period. You can see cannabis growing in a cornfield with the NAKED eye if you know what to look for... so why would you need infrared (even if it did work for that purpose, which it doesn't)?
Infrared basically shows you 2 things: What's HOT, and what's NOT. Cannabis isn't any warmer than any other plant, which is why it isn't detectable using infrared technology.
If cannabis growing outdoors WERE detectable with IR (it isn't, just suppose it were), then why would they need to develop alternative technologies to detect outdoor cannabis grows?
All that being said, it is possible to detect the irrigation systems used to sustain an outdoor grow using infrared imaging, but the plants themselves still have to be spotted the old-fashioned way (with your eyes!). I think that sufficient coverage of the irrigation systems could still confound this method of detection (burying the lines down far enough below the soil, using insulated pipes, etc), making it a less-than-foolproof way to detect an outdoor grow.
Read the summary of the study HERE
Download the full document HERE
And don't believe ANYthing a LEO tells you, even if he's your "friend". It's very rare to find a LEO that actually knows what they're talking about 100%. Basically they regurgitate whatever their "higher-ups" tell them, which is more often than not a load of pure bullshit.
I think most cops fall under the "macho bullshitter" category. I've had some run-ins with law enforcement, and in my experience they are a presumptuous and arrogant lot who don't really know much about the laws they're supposed to enforce. I had an officer tell me once that it's a felony in my state not to carry auto insurance (it's NOT, by the way). It kind of makes me wonder what they're teaching those guys in the police academy, or if they're teaching them anything at all.I'm beginning to believe that maybe he's a macho bullshitter more than anything. although I haven't seen or talked to him in 2 years, I always thought what he was telling me was true. now I've been doing some reading on this subject and I too have come to the conclusion that infared cannot detect anything from plant growth. I don't wanna go into great detail with this friend if we cross paths again, for fear of arrousing suspicion. he's a friend that is a cop, and I'll leave it at that. thanks for the great insight.![]()