how big or old do my plants have to be to flower

so I'm ding a pretty basic outdoor grow. its my first time. i know iv started lated but my seeds are germinating now. I'm wondering if they start flowering when they should since i doubt they be that big by the time they start.


Well-Known Member
Your questions were already answered in your other thread. Look at my post. I read your post in this thread, before looking at your name, and thought "this guy must be underage." Lol if I thought that before knowing you were the guy from the other thread, then I'm going to go ahead and say my suspicions were right. You are 16 stop lying.


Well-Known Member
are you indoor or outdoor? you can germinate your seed into the flowering stage. its called 12/12 from seed and there are a ton of threads on it.


Well-Known Member
If the plant hasnt developed into full maturity or mature enough to flower it will "veg" itself for a couple weeks then begin to flower. Hope its Indica dominant