How big of a inline fan will I need to compleatly cool 2 1000w HID's

I want to vent it outside and the fan will be pulling the air from a separate room what I'm going for is to have a compleatly sealed room so I can enrich the air with plenty of co2. And also I'm growing in a 4x8 grow tent that sets inside of a 10x10 room. I would like to keep the tent closed but can open up the doors to vent excess heat if nessary.
So you be sucking air from a seperate room(lung room) thats going to have co2. So fan will blowing through hood than dumping air into the grow room. Unless that lung room has ac it doesnt seem efficient. You'd be better off having the fan blowing or sucking through the hood with no exchange/contact with air in grow room the out the room. Seal the room, run an a/c and run a co2 tank every 15min during lights on.
In the hot summer months your inline fan will only cool temps to a certain point. I would even use the word cool, more like less hot. I have a 6" fan with carbon filter blowing through 4 hoods all on 750w. Ive managed to keep temps in the low to mid 80s because I'm in a basement...but its getting really hot up here in new england and I have hit 90° in the grow room. So I went out and bought a window unit a/c and built up a box in the back of the a/c to enclose the back of a/c. Cut a 6" hole in box thats connected to ducting and booster fan sucking the hot air out ac box to and out of basement window. I might actually grab a 8 or 10" inline fan and reduce down to 6". I'm sure someone already said this but yes, what you want is called a reducer so you could run a 8" fan to your 6" ducting and hoods. Good luck dude, summer is tough for growing. A/C is a must, I feel. I've gotten away with no a/c for a while but realized it must be done to get optimum results . I'm actually going down to finish up the box and get my a/c cranking in grow room as we speak . Also add a booster fan blowing into your grow room to get some more air flowing in there, also add a few oscillating fans. Best things to do when temps are high is to have humidity in check and have proper air flow. Good luck and stay cool!
Compleatly agree with you it's damn hot in Arizona right now. I'm trying to save my pennies for a decent ac unit by the time I get home from work it's 90 degrees in my growroom. Once I open the door and turn on my swamp cooler in the living room I can get it down to 81. 79 degrees in the late evening. But I seriously need that ac unit just hard to save up that much money when you're only making minimum wage. I definitely prefer to grow in the winter this batch probaley won't be that good I'm probaley just going to blast it all into wax. Trash to cash
Compleatly agree with you it's damn hot in Arizona right now. I'm trying to save my pennies for a decent ac unit by the time I get home from work it's 90 degrees in my growroom. Once I open the door and turn on my swamp cooler in the living room I can get it down to 81. 79 degrees in the late evening. But I seriously need that ac unit just hard to save up that much money when you're only making minimum wage. I definitely prefer to grow in the winter this batch probaley won't be that good I'm probaley just going to blast it all into wax. Trash to cash
I have the luxury of moving outside and shutting down the oven of many lights lol
Compleatly agree with you it's damn hot in Arizona right now. I'm trying to save my pennies for a decent ac unit by the time I get home from work it's 90 degrees in my growroom. Once I open the door and turn on my swamp cooler in the living room I can get it down to 81. 79 degrees in the late evening. But I seriously need that ac unit just hard to save up that much money when you're only making minimum wage. I definitely prefer to grow in the winter this batch probaley won't be that good I'm probaley just going to blast it all into wax. Trash to cash
81 ia managble. You should be able to get a good product. I think you can grow dank at higher temps than most people believe. I have.
Compleatly agree with you it's damn hot in Arizona right now. I'm trying to save my pennies for a decent ac unit by the time I get home from work it's 90 degrees in my growroom. Once I open the door and turn on my swamp cooler in the living room I can get it down to 81. 79 degrees in the late evening. But I seriously need that ac unit just hard to save up that much money when you're only making minimum wage. I definitely prefer to grow in the winter this batch probaley won't be that good I'm probaley just going to blast it all into wax. Trash to cash
Hey az I don't know to much about swamp coolers but can you put them on timers? If so put it on a timer so it's cranking while your at work to cool things down a bit. Also how long are the lights on while your not home? Been in the same boat had to wake up and close the door at 8am and be home by 8pm to open it. Best thing to do is get things dialed in so thats not the case. Perhaps next run you should change your light schedule so flower room is off while your at work and doesn't turn on till you get home or at least in a closer proximity to when your out of work.
Compleatly agree with you it's damn hot in Arizona right now. I'm trying to save my pennies for a decent ac unit by the time I get home from work it's 90 degrees in my growroom. Once I open the door and turn on my swamp cooler in the living room I can get it down to 81. 79 degrees in the late evening. But I seriously need that ac unit just hard to save up that much money when you're only making minimum wage. I definitely prefer to grow in the winter this batch probaley won't be that good I'm probaley just going to blast it all into wax. Trash to cash
Forgot to ask az, does the 10x10 room your tent is in have a window? If so save up for that window unit a/c. You'll be crusing then. Its well worth it, you pay it off in 1st harvest and then some( more like a shit ton). With 2ooow bloom room you should do very well, where you can maybe cut down to part time at your day job haha. Also saw the your 1st post was from feb. How did the harvest go assuming you were close to heading into flower then.
co2 is a waste of money, don't even bother for what you put in you don't get it back.. the only upside to running co2 is you can run hot/high temps without affecting the plant.
Lmfao where the fuck you get that from sorry to say it but your nuts if u think that co2 doesn't make a difference on average it'll add 35% more weight if run properly. Don't get it unless you have money for co2 controller then it's a waste of money but running 1200-1400ppm during flower increases growth and in veg 700-900ppm.
^^^^37 years of growing...... youngster lol. And did I say it's needed? Nope didn't lol. Just said lots do it quite successfully with a sealed room and yup without spending a million dollars lol. Actually I don't run CO2 but know that it works and works well. Dummy ...... Well that's nice lol. It's not about needing it, it's about raising the game up a notch and getting the most out of your room because yes if done properly it does increase yields substantially.... That's botany!!! Have you recently had a stroke? You seem to have a hard time comprehending things. You really should read some of the newer stuff, the original grow bible is kind of outdated lol. I have yet to see you offer any useful information other than ranting about how everyone is doing it wrong. I would love to see some of your work ..... Oh right can't see any cause you've locked your posts......hmmmm. Million dollar clean room you say .... Wow you again humour me with your wisdom. Stop telling people your old, your giving us old guys a bad rep :).
What I'm saying man people are nuts if they think Jo difference it's a huge difference but you don't need it to grow some fire and throw some decent yields it will tho make denser fatter colas
Compleatly agree with you it's damn hot in Arizona right now. I'm trying to save my pennies for a decent ac unit by the time I get home from work it's 90 degrees in my growroom. Once I open the door and turn on my swamp cooler in the living room I can get it down to 81. 79 degrees in the late evening. But I seriously need that ac unit just hard to save up that much money when you're only making minimum wage. I definitely prefer to grow in the winter this batch probaley won't be that good I'm probaley just going to blast it all into wax. Trash to cash
How do u like the swamp cooler? Is a boughten one or DIY?
Hey az I don't know to much about swamp coolers but can you put them on timers? If so put it on a timer so it's cranking while your at work to cool things down a bit. Also how long are the lights on while your not home? Been in the same boat had to wake up and close the door at 8am and be home by 8pm to open it. Best thing to do is get things dialed in so thats not the case. Perhaps next run you should change your light schedule so flower room is off while your at work and doesn't turn on till you get home or at least in a closer proximity to when your out of work.
Good idea I'll keep that in mind
Forgot to ask az, does the 10x10 room your tent is in have a window? If so save up for that window unit a/c. You'll be crusing then. Its well worth it, you pay it off in 1st harvest and then some( more like a shit ton). With 2ooow bloom room you should do very well, where you can maybe cut down to part time at your day job haha. Also saw the your 1st post was from feb. How did the harvest go assuming you were close to heading into flower then.
My first harvest from that time went pretty good plants were healthier in my opinion. I was growing organically then this grow I switched to coco and started doing passive hydroponics to see if I could get a better yield. But it's really annoying trying to get the nutrients diled in I'm probaley going to go back to organic at least until I can get an ac unit and enviromental controller to keep things consistent. As far as the Windows my house was built in the 1950s and the windows are some kind of weird style that can't fit an ac unit but I was thinking about hiring some one to install a more modern window to accommodate a ac unit. I eventually plan to ditch my grow tent and just convert the entire room
My first harvest from that time went pretty good plants were healthier in my opinion. I was growing organically then this grow I switched to coco and started doing passive hydroponics to see if I could get a better yield. But it's really annoying trying to get the nutrients diled in I'm probaley going to go back to organic at least until I can get an ac unit and enviromental controller to keep things consistent. As far as the Windows my house was built in the 1950s and the windows are some kind of weird style that can't fit an ac unit but I was thinking about hiring some one to install a more modern window to accommodate a ac unit. I eventually plan to ditch my grow tent and just convert the entire room
"Convert the entire room"- Do this and dial it in and you'll kill it. That's what I have done in my basement, I just use tents for veg. I had a secret jardin10x5 flower with 2 1000s in it and found that the space was obviously not enough. The tent was restricting my height and side growth especially with inline fans running and tent being sucked in. I grew some fucking killer plant in that thing though.