How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

Say what? You really don't have a clue. Conservatives want govt. our of their lives, fascists want to control, to order.

And what in the hell have conservatives done to "our country" that people like Barney Frank, Obama, the Clintons & their corrupt thuggery, Eric Holder, race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton haven't already fucked up? Hell, more than half of the Supreme Court are lefties, legislating from the bench.

It's gonna take a conservative Pres. to clean up the mess Obama and his cronies have made.

Patriot Act = Republican
Domestic Spying = started under a Republican
Abortion bans = Republican (Out of our lives, but into a woman's uterus!)
Department of Homeland Security = Largest governmental Department ever created with some of the furthest reach into the private lives of citizens... is a Republican creation.
Increased TSA checks = Republican
Voter ID laws = Republican

And more than half of the Supreme Court are "lefties?" Are you just willfully ignorant?

John Roberts = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Antonio Scalia = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Anthony Kennedy = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Clarence Thomas = appointed by George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Ruth Bader Ginsberg = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Stephen Bayer = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Samuel Alito = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Sonia Sotomayor = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
Elena Kagan = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)

So I'm not sure if you can do math, but when 5 Justices are appointed by Republicans, and 4 are appointed by Democrats, that makes what? Over half lefties? No, you're just terrible at math. Republicans control SCOTUS 5 Republican nominees to 4 Democrat nominees, do you see how this works? There is however a very fascinating phenomena that happens with Justices that over time their views shift a little bit more progressive because they are appointed for life/until they retire and don't really have to answer to anyone, so they *gasp* follow the law and go to our constitution, and sometimes they even believe that the constitution should be a living document rather than a static document.
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Patriot Act = Republican
Domestic Spying = started under a Republican
Abortion bans = Republican (Out of our lives, but into a woman's uterus!)
Department of Homeland Security = Largest governmental Department ever created with some of the furthest reach into the private lives of citizens... is a Republican creation.
Increased TSA checks = Republican
Voter ID laws = Republican

And more than half of the Supreme Court are "lefties?" Are you just willfully ignorant?

John Roberts = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Antonio Scalia = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Anthony Kennedy = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Clarence Thomas = appointed by George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Ruth Bader Ginsberg = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Stephen Bayer = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Samuel Alito = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Sonia Sotomayor = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
Elena Kagan = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)

So I'm not sure if you can do math, but when 5 Justices are appointed by Republicans, and 4 are appointed by Democrats, that makes what? Over half lefties? No, you're just terrible at math. Republicans control SCOTUS 5 Republican nominees to 4 Democrat nominees, do you see how this works? There is however a very fascinating phenomena that happens with Justices that over time their views shift a little bit more progressive because they are appointed for life/until they retire and don't really have to answer to anyone, so they *gasp* follow the law and go to our constitution, and sometimes they even believe that the constitution should be a living document rather than a static document.
Obama doubled up/renewed all of those "Republican" measures you describe.

It's funny to see the Bernie Sanders crowd cry that "America needs change" yet the same idiots suck Obama balls constantly.
@Uncle Ben if Republicans really wanted to be out of our everyday lives, then why are they so adamant about banning gay marriage? Shouldn't that be a question left up to the individual? Whatever happened to the 1st Amendment? What about how a majority of Republicans think Islam should be banned? What ever happened to freedom of religion? No, no, let's just impose Christianity and Christian beliefs on everybody.
Obama doubled up/renewed all of those "Republican" measures you describe.

It's funny to see the Bernie Sanders crowd cry that "America needs change" yet the same idiots suck Obama balls constantly.

You have a very strange sense of what "continued" means. Don't you have to go worry about how the Irish government is cutting its austerity measures or how Ireland has the largest youth unemployment in the EU? Or even the fact that brain drain is still a problem in Ireland?
You have a very strange sense of what "continued" means. Don't you have to go worry about how the Irish government is cutting its austerity measures or how Ireland has the largest youth unemployment in the EU? Or even the fact that brain drain is still a problem in Ireland?
Larger GDP growth that the US, free healthcare, free third level education, no international enemies, lower U6 rate of unemployment, higher workforce participation and no more austerity...

Don't cry, wannabe-European.

How about you go justify bombing some hospitals or something.
Larger GDP growth that the US, free healthcare, free third level education, no international enemies, no more austerity...

Don't cry, wannabe-European.

How about you go justify bombing some hospitals or something.

Oh really? Larger GDP growth than the US? Then how come the US GDP went up by 2.2% under Obama and Ireland's went up by 1.9%. In what world is 2.2 smaller than 1.9?

I've been to Ireland and studied at NUI Galway. First country in the Eurozone to enter into a recession, a huge construction boom based off of mortgage rates that failed hard. Now you have a train worker strike, with Siptu and the National Bus and Rail Union. Or what about the 900 residents of Longboat Quay that were just recently told their apartments were fire hazards due to cutting corners and cost saving measures? What about the EU wanting you to lower your corporate tax and your Finance Minister just shrugging and going "Alright, but we should keep a veto at least..." Talk about bending over backwards.

Also, the banking inquiry? The Dáil stalling and if it's dissolved the inquiry collapses totally? So much for that.
Are you sure the best way for people to take college seriously is giving it to them for "free"?

Nah the best way is to over charge for books, tuition, expenses and then hand you a loan that you don't have to pay until you are done with school.

We don't care, you can't declare bankruptcy and you can't collect social security without paying it off so the more we put into debt the better!
Oh really? Larger GDP growth than the US? Then how come the US GDP went up by 2.2% under Obama and Ireland's went up by 1.9%. In what world is 2.2 smaller than 1.9?

I've been to Ireland and studied at NUI Galway. First country in the Eurozone to enter into a recession, a huge construction boom based off of mortgage rates that failed hard. Now you have a train worker strike, with Siptu and the National Bus and Rail Union. Or what about the 900 residents of Longboat Quay that were just recently told their apartments were fire hazards due to cutting corners and cost saving measures? What about the EU wanting you to lower your corporate tax and your Finance Minister just shrugging and going "Alright, but we should keep a veto at least..." Talk about bending over backwards.

Also, the banking inquiry? The Dáil stalling and if it's dissolved the inquiry collapses totally? So much for that.


4.8% growth last year.

And they wanted us to RAISE our corporate tax rate, not lower it.



4.8% growth last year.

And they wanted us to RAISE our corporate tax rate, not lower it.


Oops, I was looking at quarterly GDP growth, but... 202 billion USD GDP compared to the US' 16.77 trillion USD GDP. Have fun being interdependent on the EU and IMF though. Also about your free healthcare? Huge nursing crisis. Dumbass.

You can sure dish it out, but when you have to take it it seems like you're getting as red as an Irishman in the tropics.
You throw words around handed to your brainwashed brain.
You complain about the greatest country in the world.
You ever been outside the states were people really have no freedom.
Your elders should pull your pants down and give you a spanking.
For talking such regurgitated old story same old campus B.S.
More socialist nations in Europe have way more freedom than we do.
@Harrekin What about the Irish public debt sits at 110% of it's GDP while the US' sits just a little bit lower at 102%?

But congratulations on FINALLY ending your postal strike while -- like I said -- your nursing and rail strikes continue. Then, let's also fail to ignore the cost of water in your country and how there were protests in Dublin over water charges. Or that there's a fear in your government that Sienn Fain can actually gain ground again so they made some trumped up charges in a manufactured crisis.
@Harrekin What about the Irish public debt sits at 110% of it's GDP while the US' sits just a little bit lower at 102%?

But congratulations on FINALLY ending your postal strike while -- like I said -- your nursing and rail strikes continue. Then, let's also fail to ignore the cost of water in your country and how there were protests in Dublin over water charges. Or that there's a fear in your government that Sienn Fain can actually gain ground again so they made some trumped up charges in a manufactured crisis.
Are you literally retarded?

Water is about 80 dollars a quarter...

There are no public/semi-state strikes and our deficit was 4.1% last year.

Try even get one fucking point correct before acting like a smart ass.

Typical dumb, ignorant Yank.
Are you literally retarded?

Water is about 80 dollars a quarter...

There are no public/semi-state strikes and our deficit was 4.1% last year.

Try even get one fucking point correct before acting like a smart ass.

Typical dumb, ignorant Yank. Economic and Fiscal Outlook REV 2.pdf

110% of the GDP. Learn to read.

And I was just reading in the Irish times about the rail and nursing strikes and the nursing shortages. Economic and Fiscal Outlook REV 2.pdf

110% of the GDP. Learn to read.

And I was just reading in the Irish times about the rail and nursing strikes and the nursing shortages.
You should probably check the date of the article you were reading.

And you should probably learn the difference between debt and deficit.

No wonder you studied in NUI Galway... that's where the people who didn't do well enough to be able to study in Dublin go.
You should probably check the date of the article you were reading.

And you should probably learn the difference between debt and deficit.

No wonder you studied in NUI Galway... that's where the people who didn't do well enough to be able to study in Dublin go.

Are you drunk currently? Because I first stated your public debt was 110% of your GDP and then had to point it out again when you said "No that's not it. Our deficit is..." So maybe it's you who needs to learn the difference.
Are you drunk currently? Because I first stated your public debt was 110% of your GDP and then had to point it out again when you said "No that's not it. Our deficit is..." So maybe it's you who needs to learn the difference.
You posted twice and I replied to the second one but hit reply on the first.

Cry me a fucking river, our debt to GDP ratio is 8% higher than yours, wow, you got ONE point correct.

Everything else is either out of date or total horseshit.

How does it feel knowing you studied in one of our lowest rated universities?

Thanks for the money you spent to cover the cost of our students tho :)
You should probably check the date of the article you were reading.

And you should probably learn the difference between debt and deficit.

No wonder you studied in NUI Galway... that's where the people who didn't do well enough to be able to study in Dublin go.

And yeah I was mistaken NBRU is going to strike over pay and work conditions.
You posted twice and I replied to the second one but hit reply on the first.

Cry me a fucking river, our debt to GDP ratio is 8% higher than yours, wow, you got ONE point correct.

Everything else is either out of date or total horseshit.

How does it feel knowing you studied in one of our lowest rated universities?

Thanks for the money you spent to cover the cost of our students tho :)

I studied at the Irish Center for Human Rights on an invitation to study under one of the leading human rights scholars that left NUI Galway. :) So it was free.

Shows how much you even know about your own university system or did you ever even get that far?