Well-Known Member
Say what? You really don't have a clue. Conservatives want govt. our of their lives, fascists want to control, to order.
And what in the hell have conservatives done to "our country" that people like Barney Frank, Obama, the Clintons & their corrupt thuggery, Eric Holder, race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton haven't already fucked up? Hell, more than half of the Supreme Court are lefties, legislating from the bench.
It's gonna take a conservative Pres. to clean up the mess Obama and his cronies have made.
Patriot Act = Republican
Domestic Spying = started under a Republican
Abortion bans = Republican (Out of our lives, but into a woman's uterus!)
Department of Homeland Security = Largest governmental Department ever created with some of the furthest reach into the private lives of citizens... is a Republican creation.
Increased TSA checks = Republican
Voter ID laws = Republican
And more than half of the Supreme Court are "lefties?" Are you just willfully ignorant?
John Roberts = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Antonio Scalia = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Anthony Kennedy = appointed by Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Clarence Thomas = appointed by George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Ruth Bader Ginsberg = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Stephen Bayer = appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Samuel Alito = appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Sonia Sotomayor = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
Elena Kagan = appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
So I'm not sure if you can do math, but when 5 Justices are appointed by Republicans, and 4 are appointed by Democrats, that makes what? Over half lefties? No, you're just terrible at math. Republicans control SCOTUS 5 Republican nominees to 4 Democrat nominees, do you see how this works? There is however a very fascinating phenomena that happens with Justices that over time their views shift a little bit more progressive because they are appointed for life/until they retire and don't really have to answer to anyone, so they *gasp* follow the law and go to our constitution, and sometimes they even believe that the constitution should be a living document rather than a static document.
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