How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

I must of missed that part last night during the debate.
There was no attempt at actual debate, it was mostly an attempt at a side-show.

It was brought up during the Dem debate and Hillary and Bernie were the only two who would not re-instate Glass-Steagall. Those are really the only two with a chance, so expect nothing to be done.....again.
If I didn't build that, " the rest of us" didn't either. Since I am a government employee, by your standards, I did build that, while you, as welfare trash, did nothing but hinder that.
No, not a distraction at all. Being welfare trash is the reason you promote your selfish agenda of "Gimmie, gimmie".It is a central feature of your way of thought.
Seems your claim about not letting more students speak "for the people" was wrong. I heard them speaking, and loudly, too. They were jeering CNBC's blatant partisanship.

<yawn> Like laws..9k tickets buys a lot..breaking news!!!!!! Paul Ryan house speaker? Lfucking0L!!!!!! Talk about a Polish raise..I just peed my pants..
True, as speculation goes we should be able lower our standards for least the amount of time it takes the erosion to reach the Hill/Wall st. But why? Isn't 30 years of building/supporting China enough?

Just who is steering this ship?

The higher bidder. Who else? Isn't that what we asked for?

If we don't like it, maybe we should vote for someone who says they'll actually try to change them... and whose campaign coffers actually live up to the promise. That's why I'm a Bernie Sanders fan!
If I didn't build that, " the rest of us" didn't either. Since I am a government employee, by your standards, I did build that, while you, as welfare trash, did nothing but hinder that.
No, not a distraction at all. Being welfare trash is the reason you promote your selfish agenda of "Gimmie, gimmie".It is a central feature of your way of thought.
Seems your claim about not letting more students speak "for the people" was wrong. I heard them speaking, and loudly, too. They were jeering CNBC's blatant partisanship.

Bahahaha "Government is leeching off of the economy!" "Since I am a government employee..." oh the irony. Is the next thing you're going to tell us is that you're part of a public sector union and against collective bargaining?
Do you think you are fooling anybody? Oh...besides tty. LOL

I'm not fooling anybody because you can go look it up yourself. You're the one not fooling anybody except Red, who posts up chain emails, so there you go - have fun with that. Oh, also have fun with your little circlejerk. :) I'm going to just preempt any invitation with a no.
The higher bidder. Who else? Isn't that what we asked for?

If we don't like it, maybe we should vote for someone who says they'll actually try to change them... and whose campaign coffers actually live up to the promise. That's why I'm a Bernie Sanders fan!
Sorry, but by your own claims, you're only allowed to vote for the high bidder.
Bahahaha "Government is leeching off of the economy!" "Since I am a government employee..." oh the irony. Is the next thing you're going to tell us is that you're part of a public sector union and against collective bargaining?
Never been in a union.
<yawn> Like laws..9k tickets buys a lot..breaking news!!!!!! Paul Ryan house speaker? Lfucking0L!!!!!! Talk about a Polish raise..I just peed my pants..

So, now that Bernie is OBVIOUSLY toast, is it time to jump aboard the Hillary express?

Democrat machine coronates Hilldawg with the help of the MSM, Sanders supporters happily jump ship into her camp, the MuyLoco prophecy is near complete. I can't wait for your first post endorsing her election.
Ah, so when he avoided answering during the debate it was while he was in Hillary fluffer mode.

I asked earlier what his stance was because I couldn't figure it out from his answer other than he wants to be Hillary's VP.
Can you post a clip of that section of the debate you're referring to?
Can you post a clip of that section of the debate you're referring to?

No, you made the claim
This was his answer, you tell me if he actually took a position on Glass-Steagall while standing next to Clinton.

SANDERS: Let us be clear that the greed and recklessness and illegal behavior of Wall Street, where fraud is a business model, helped to destroy this economy and the lives of millions of people.


Check the record. In the 1990s -- and all due respect -- in the 1990s, when I had the Republican leadership and Wall Street spending billions of dollars in lobbying, when the Clinton administration, when Alan Greenspan said, "what a great idea it would be to allow these huge banks to merge," Bernie Sanders fought them, and helped lead the opposition to deregulation.


Today, it is my view that when you have the three...

COOPER: Senator...

SANDERS: ...largest banks in America -- are much bigger than they were when we bailed them out for being too big to fail, we have got to break them up.

Sort of sounds like maybe he was against it in the 90's but it's hard to tell. You definitely couldn't tell by what he says what he'll do about it going forward. If you watched the debate you could tell it was 4 guys positioning for VP in a Hillary campaign.

Here's Hilldawg's response
Secretary Clinton, he raises a fundamental difference on this stage. Senator Sanders wants to break up the big Wall Street banks. You don't. You say charge the banks more, continue to monitor them. Why is your plan better?

CLINTON: Well, my plan is more comprehensive. And frankly, it's tougher because of course we have to deal with the problem that the banks are still too big to fail. We can never let the American taxpayer and middle class families ever have to bail out the kind of speculative behavior that we saw.
His response sounded pretty clear to me, and if you ever hear him talk about it, it doesn't leave much room for doubt
The direct question was would you reinstate Glass-Steagall.

If you were going off his answer, was that a yes or a no? I sure as hell couldn't tell. What you linked explained it, but for those that are not politageeks, what do you think they came away thinking.

3 resounding yeses, 1 NO from Hillary and whatever the hell Sanders said.
So, now that Bernie is OBVIOUSLY toast, is it time to jump aboard the Hillary express?

Democrat machine coronates Hilldawg with the help of the MSM, Sanders supporters happily jump ship into her camp, the MuyLoco prophecy is near complete. I can't wait for your first post endorsing her election.
So not obvi..
I'm at work right now, would you mind doing your own leg work?

You could probably google dem debate answers GS?

Look GW, if your fat ass can somehow waddle onto can fucking Google its own citation..stop using 'I'm at work' has been mentioned many a time it's up to you to provide proof of post.
Look GW, if your fat ass can somehow waddle onto can fucking Google its own citation..stop using 'I'm at work' excuse..
lol you replied while I was loading the video, if you had only waited 30 more seconds you wouldn't look like you look now.

Funny part is, I posted the transcripts Pad for when I said I would (after I got home) and you still want to give me shit and call me fat (lol btw).

Don't worry though, you threw baseless insults around, so you are sure to get likes from the tard crew here. That seems to be what you are going for.

If I wanted to just call you names, it would be so easy, but just because all the cool kids are doing it, doesn't mean the adults should.
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