How bad is this??


My Satvia is massive, an outdoor grow which has got out of control :)

Im a total newbie so didnt think about pruning or anything. Now my plant is pressed up against the roof of the greenhouse and i literally have nowere left to tie it to. I managed to pull it over at a 45degree angle but the branches grew and grew and they hit the roof aswell. Its planted in the ground and has a trunk about 2 to 3 inches thick so moving it isnt an option.

I have 3 clones that have shot up well in pots aswell.

My question is will it being pressed up against the glass completely ruin its flowering process? What can i expect to happen?

I have included sum pics i just took

Im in the UK aswell if this helps.



yeah, just flower that bad girl. but take some clones first. next time focus more on topping. research how to make them spread out wide. once they hit half the size of that monster tree of yours. start to flower the crop, they will still grow a lil more. happy farming.


jus keep gradually tyin it down more and more jus be careful not to break it

Its like its on sum kind of steroids :) when ever i tie it down its branches shoot up, i have literally run out of room!

I had it tied at a 45 degree angle and it did break itself in half but it doesnt seem to have affected it any. The half above the break seems to still be growing ok.


Active Member
Yeah, if it's an outdoor grow using sunlight, it'll flower naturally. I don't know what else you could really do at this point other than trying to keep it tied and letting it do its thing. If it's having no trouble growing, it should have no trouble flowering. Ha, you're probably going to have more bud than you know what to do with, dude! That thing is whacked out huge!


if i knew i would have done it, this is the first time ive done it so didnt really expect to end up with a tree :) Next time i will know exactly what to do........i hope! :)


pratice makes perfect. learn from this. take notes. its must be a hardy strain. take them clones. and bang out a 2nd crop.


Yeah i took 3 clones, those are in the pics! How do i get clones to keep for the next harvest? i was under the impression outdoor grows only flowered around this time of year? Could i keep the clones i have till next year?


Well-Known Member
yeah u can keep them till next year but u may want to pinch below each node till u feel it squish.. this will slow plant height development and produces a bushier instead of tree like plant. keep repeating this over and over and next yr you'll be golden