How bad is it for my plant to..


Active Member
My plant is now on a 12 12 schedule of HPS. I have turned on the hps after the scheduled time for a few minutes to show my roommate. Is this okay?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The cycle should never be interrupted. A short couple of minutes can cause the plant some confusion. It should straighten out after a couple of days of regularity.


Well-Known Member
its true you should try n never turn it on when the hours are in night cycle. shoulda told yer roomie u take chances of it going hermie by letting the smallest amount of light be shown. dont think you a want a hermie bcuz u wanted to show yer roomie something he could see during day cycle. and by waiting that few extra hours you waited will be better to show him considering they danken when they sleep .


Active Member
SO if it becomes "hermie" its will start to grow seeds? And this is caused by giving it light during its sleep cycle?


Well-Known Member
will happen with more than just a couple mins of light. when the lights are off leave em off. whoever is wanting to see can wait till the day cycle comes on . with hermies u will get seeds and flower but its junk. and plus it will pollenate your other females in the area. i had one n didnt want to chance it so i tossed to whole 3ft plant. im 15 days into flowering so its not worth it to show people when the lights are off and lose another plant.


Well-Known Member
I dont think it will make it go hermie, how would you explain cutting clones during flowering, or revegging an already flowered plant to go for a second yield. Also what about when people string up lights on outdoor grows to make longer days.


New Member
sup niggy twiggy. it's kinda weird, herb that grows in fields is exposed to the moon which gives off a crap ton of light. it's the only way mammals feeds at night. besides, you're probably showing whoever, hopes it's not special K, just for a few seconds. dont need to stand there and gaze for minutes. get back to work fool!


Well-Known Member
i had a friend who was doing an outside grow on his back porch and he had a fridge out there as well, needless to say because of the fridge being opened and closed thru out the sleep cycle his plant went hermie a big waste of time. so Total darkness for sleep cycle will help prevent a hermie. at least from what i have heard.
turning the lights on and off can stress your plant.


Well-Known Member
I agree it may stress but if it went hermie it was probably genetic, also the moon doesnt really give off that much light i believe i read somewhere that is was like 0.01 lumens per square foot and it only takes 0.03 lumens to interupt a night cycle. which would confuse the plant and make it veg but nothing about it going hermie in fact i take clones occasionally during flowering and put the clones under 24hrs of light with no clones turning hermie on me. Might just decrease yield a bit if the plant starts to re veg i would think...