How bad is cigarret smoke on my plants?!

I'm a smoker :D and my wife too, so i have alot of cigarret smoke in my bad is that on my plants since they breath the same air?:weed:
ohh...and mostly weed smoke:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you wash your hands well when handling ur plants. Nicotine is a bitch for marijuana. I have read also that cigarettes are like a poison to them. Whatever you do dont smoke in ur grow room.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard an accomplished grower who didn't claim that cigarette smoke is bad for the plants. From what I understand, if the plant senses enough smoke in the air, it will close it stomata for a few minutes or perhaps even hours. Plants use the stomata to breath and transpire and other important stuff, so it's like putting the plant on pause for that length of time. There are also those who say tabacco smoke is way more poisonous to plants than humans, and those who claim that tobacco conatins a common plant virus that can get on your hands and infect your plants.
SO...should I go through the hassel of feeding fresh air to my plants(which is A BIG JOB), or would it not make THAT of a difference?thank you.


Well-Known Member
If you're heavy smokers, and heavy smoking would be going on constantly in the room where the plants are growing then id say it would probably reduce your yield by quite a lot.
Thanks for help...Now should I use a carbon filter for intake air to plants or do i need an external fresh air supply? we do smoke about a cigg every 20-30min...cheers
The same carbon scrubber on your exhaust should take care of the smoke. If not, maybe get a bigger fan for more air exchanges, or smoke near the scrubber. I blow smoke rings near my plants and it has never caused an issue but I smoke infrequently.


Well-Known Member
nicotein is like rat poison to marijuana plants, it will only slow the process or kill the plant. please dont smoke in the same room and WASH YOUR HAND LIKE YOU WERE TOUCHING POOP before YOU handle the PLANTS!!!!!
and what if ur grow closet is 6feet away from where i smoke ciggs regularly...i dont smoke in the clost(grow room)...BUT, the air supply to the grow closet will contain cigg smoke in it...thats why i am worried about my first grow..what should i do:wall:


Well-Known Member
I grow in my closet, and smoke at least 1 cig a day in my room. BUT, I have a fan in my window sucking air out constantly so I don't know how much actual smoke stays in there. Do you have a fan sucking the smoke out, or is it just constantly lingering in there? If there's just smoke constantly lingering in there, it's bad! But if it's getting sucked out so quick it doesn't really matter. Here's how things are going for me. You choose what you want to do. lol, :)