How are you drying large quantities of buds


Well-Known Member

I am in need of a plan to dry a somewhat big amount of bud. If all goes well I will be harvesting 3 bc big bud (about a pound each) and about a pound of northern lights.

I will be machine trimming them because i dont want to spend 100 hours hand trimming that amount.

I have to dry outdoor my parents don't want this in my room lol, i was thinking of either setting up a tarp or building a small shed like structure and using my carbon filter to limit odours going out (i have neighbors close by)

I want your opinions on how you would proceed. Maybe it would be cheaper and easier to make hash with it.


Well-Known Member
Imo this is a critical step, and I would not compromise.

Hand trim. Better quality. You live at home, are you really to busy? Do the work and get super stoned if need be. Bring in a friend or 2.

Drying is important, if you can do it, build a shed or buy some form of enclosure for good drying. Heck a tent outside could work even with protection from rain.

4 lbs is not enough to compromise, i would make 4 perfect pounds!