how are these plants doing


I somehow seem to have missed all the posts of yours explaining anything about it being about environmental control. If I'm agreeing with you cool were on the same page. If not whatever to each his own. As to you guys having a disagreement in another thread it doesn't matter. Using civil language goes a long way. You can do all the bashing you want as long as you're actually going to back up your bash with some fact. Because I didn't, and Im sure many other people didn't, read the other thread all I got out of your bashing on this thread was an opinion that you were being a dick and in the wrong. Be the bigger man. If he wants to bash you let him. You don't need to carry it over into a new thread and if for some reason it does carry over there's no need for all the foul language. You can get your point across without making yourself sound like an uneducated punk. I'm not trying to be a dick myself but were here for a reason and it definitely isn't to sift through the petty arguments (like this one).


Well-Known Member
riiight well theres posts between him and i in here that have been taken off i guess. he has posted b.s. things in other threads so i called him out on it here.

it is really none of your concern. thank you so much for judging me on 4 posts in one thread about one topic.

get off you're high horse and stop lecturing me about how the site works. you're being just as condescending as i was minus "foul language" which isn't any better. you think you are so much nicer because you use proper grammer and punctuation? you still sound like an asshole.
Ok so i went back this morning, i moved the two big ones to a more secluded spot.
Its been less than a week since my last visit and there leaves are getting huge,
sprouting sets of 7 bladed leaves, and all the nodes are about branch out (i think).
Im very xcited, yes, yes :-)

Grow started on 4-16-10.
Everytime I go out there they almost double in size, shouldn't of gone today two bikers caught a glimpse of me while I merked in. But I left taking diffrent route in the pouring rain.
And I saw Bambi tryna book it away from me. Ill take pictures next week or somthing.

Can you tell the gender? they both had tiny little hair like things at the nodes.

heres both of em.

the younger two.

some kinda bug wont leave me alone, It flys around my head the entire trip out there!!!!! fucking waving my arms around my head tryna swat it away, but it never exhausted from the swatting.