how are these babies going>?


hey all, just thought ide post some pics up and see what you guys think of how they are going.
this is my third attempt at gettin some babies going first soils wer killin the babies and was under hps now ive switched to seedling mix and they are under cfl's 24watters 6500k. temp around 75 degree F.
the biggest babies are 10 days old the others stagger in a few days behind.
ive lost count how old the big one is maybe 3 weeks.
the big one has started getting spots and one little baby has a brown spot. they are growing 20 million times better than the last two goes but still grow slow compared to others ive seen on here. any feed back?



just forgot to ask why the big one would be drooping like that? i wattered yesterday. and since then its developed the purplish/greyish lookin spots on the bottom leaves/ second real leaves. dunno if u can see the spots clearly on the pic.


Active Member
Well, I want to think it's in the first stages of nutrient deficiency, specifically Nitrogen. What are you using for nutrients?


have used no nutrients yet last time i did that they turned yellow stopd growing and died.
even more greyish spots have appeared and leaves all drooping and curling