How are My Plants Doing and When Can I Harvest?

Whats up guys. I'm growin a few royal queen and flashback seeds from ams, and theyre about 3-4 weeks into flowering. They've been looking pretty well however they seem to have stopped growing so much for some reason. They have real long 1/2 inch hairs but not really much actual bud between them:cry::confused::cry:

I'm feeding them advanced nutrients bloom, however I have been giving them quite alot. 3 tbs every gallon watering every could days when they're dry. Can that cause nutelock and make them stunt growth? They're under 9 23w cfl's on 12/12 cycle. Here's some pics:

How much longer do you guys think until I can harvest?


Active Member
be patient. your buds have just started to develop.
The leaves will tell you if there is too much nutes (yellow curling tips) or nute lock blochy yellow spots. I don't grow in soil though so I'm sure others can help you more there.
Follow your products instructions. More is rarely better with nutes (usually less is).

The hairs will start to recede and turn brown, the calyxes will swell, the trichomes will elongate (and cover everything if they are happy :)) and turn from clear to cloudy then when a certain % turn amber, you're done.


bud bootlegger
i just got one or two things to say.. three tbs per gallon of water?? jesu son.. that is a ton and a half of an's stuff.. i'm using the same thing, and i use at the most in peak flowering, which i'd say you are now, 10 ml's per gallon, which i think is equal to one teaspoon per gallon.. you're feeding them well over 3x's the recommended dosage, and the recommended dosage is hot after all they all in the business of selling us more nutes..
they look really good although i see slight signs of nute burn in the tips of the leaves..
but for only three weeks into flower, they look just as they should.. the first two or so weeks of flower you don't see too much in the way of bud growth.. it's mostly the stretch phase, and when the pistils first start to appear.. the end of the second to the third, you'll start to see actual small buds forming.. things will again slow down a lil for a week or so, then in like the late fourth to fifth week, the buds will really start to pack on some weight.. then things seem to slow again.. then once again, the last two or three weeks the buds will really start to pack on the weght again..mostly in circumference in the last two weeks or so though..
of course this is all strain dependent as they all have their own time frames, but it's a good rough guide to flowering..

keep up the good work.. my only recommedation would be to back off on those nutrients by at least 1/2 or so of what you're using now..
good luck with the rest of the grow m8..


Well-Known Member
i just got one or two things to say.. three tbs per gallon of water?? jesu son.. that is a ton and a half of an's stuff.. i'm using the same thing, and i use at the most in peak flowering, which i'd say you are now, 10 ml's per gallon, which i think is equal to one teaspoon per gallon.. ....
5ml = 1tsp
15ml = 1tbsp