How am I supposed to know


Well-Known Member
Who's right?

There are so many religions. They can't all be right.

Why should I believe one over another?
That question is as old as mankind itself. My only advice is to view anyone who says "mine is the right one" with extreme suspicion. cn
theres a couple that are fucking stupid like scientology and Mormonism. But almost all religions have a slivers of truth, even the ones with twisted books like christianity and Islam. I would not follow any religion, just do what you think is right. Know that there is no judgement after you die, why would we get judged for a learning experience? Thats all we are is souls occupying flesh vehicles and learning what ever we can until the motor dies.
if i think i am a Jedi can i walk around with a sword as its part of my religion
and smoke weed to meditate with :)
Who's right?

There are so many religions. They can't all be right.

Why should I believe one over another?

The truth is... that there is no truth. As hard as this is to grasp, or maybe even understand... that is the only truth there is.

I say, don't ever tie yourself down by believing in anything... have ideas, because ideas can change, ideas can grow. But beliefs, they are stagnant, they are dead, they don't move or change, they may only be modified to fit the same belief pattern.
we choose our beliefs based on our own experiences, on our likes and dislikes. if there is a truth you must find it for yourself and asking others is a sure fire way to be led astray. if there is no truth then it really doesn't matter which path you choose and you might as well just do what makes you feel best.
^which is completely fucking absurd... but isn't life anyways? As soon as you're born you start dying, so you might as well have a good time huh?

I just wish i had the ability to lie to myself, life used to be so much more simple before gained the ability to think for myself.
that was your 1,234th post.

^which is completely fucking absurd... but isn't life anyways? As soon as you're born you start dying, so you might as well have a good time huh?

I just wish i had the ability to lie to myself, life used to be so much more simple before gained the ability to think for myself.
I completely disagree, the notion of absurdity can be accepted, and a full life filled with individual meaning and purpose may be lived.

Honesty with myself is what i base the meaning and purpose of my existence on, this alone gives me so much joy, and even more freedom. It gives me the strength to continue to live until old age, or until my life seems as if it holds no more which i will choose to stop playing the game.
Who's right?

There are so many religions. They can't all be right.

Why should I believe one over another?
Did you listen to this song before posting by chance? [video=youtube;sHEzwREmdBM][/video] If you haven't heard it..well shame on you first of all.. and second, you should definitely listen to it. I'm sure you'll like the lyrics.
^which is completely fucking absurd... but isn't life anyways? As soon as you're born you start dying, so you might as well have a good time huh?

I just wish i had the ability to lie to myself, life used to be so much more simple before gained the ability to think for myself.

I did read that differently. I didn't get a message of "seek max pleasure" from "whatever makes you feel best", but something closer to the Epicurean ideal of balancing pleasure with the other highest values: beauty, goodness both moral and practical, building as much meaning into life and living as one can. The Epicureans are often held up as the paradigm of hedonism, but they really weren't. It's just refracted through the dark lens of Western moral thought typified by Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus) and Calvin, who embraced a starkly ascetic ideal, that the Epicureans came of as a bunch of feckless partygoers. My 2¢ after a hit of neuron lube ... cn