how am I doing?


Active Member
Just started about 4 weeks ago and hoping im doing alright. So far no problems just need a little reassurance. I started with two 80w long cfls and just today I wired a 400W Metal Halide ballast. I am in an apartment, have no idea what kind of seeds im growing. Used some seeds from a bag of nugs I had bought, damn good weed. Just set up a humidifier since levels were low but now up to over 50%. the temperature of the room is now about 84 degrees from an average of 75 with the cfls. Using Miracle grow soil, which had very low nitrogen/phosphate/Potash levels, so I added slow release plant food which is 17-17-17. I add nutrients once a week at 24-6-17. How am I doing?



Active Member
yeah your doing ok, but your not using your lighting to the fullest. put down some white posterboard or somthing bright white or like mylar board on the floor so u get more reflection and better lighting, the more light u use the better and its not wasted cuz the carpet is soaking up a good amount that u could use to further your growing capasity.


Active Member
yupp..looks like ur doin good, mylar(reflective sheet found at hydro stores) or whiteness around the plant like hydro said would be a good way to make it even better..peace


Well-Known Member
might be over nutrient using right now. maybe not though. just watch out for that IMO. ever think about air cooling you light?


Well-Known Member
i hear the slow release fert is not good, but it's just what heard since i don't use dirt...




Active Member
they worked fine for me :)..the beginning of the plant when its still young the leaves may curl a little bit like that but once it gets a bit bigger (which should be real soon w/ that new light)..they will start growin reaal nice..i used nute soil for my grow..check out the journal..peace


Active Member
My leaves just started curling a couple days ago, but they are still a healthy shade of green and starting make the room smell nice.


Active Member
yupp..they look fine too me...mine started that way using the fertilizer release soil but look at em now!..nothin wrong :)