How Am I doing?

big tony

Active Member
First off, I've never grown anything in the past so bare with me lol.

I started off with around 30 seeds from previous bags of weed.

I used one of those jiffy pod things to put the germinated seeds in till they reached a couple of inches then I transferred the whole pods into a few containers as seen below


As you can see I bought 2 of those Grow Lights Walmart has for $10 each that are 17 watts with 75 watts equivalent power.

25 of these seedlings I transferred outside in a "remote" location and planted them straight in the ground and hoped them the best.

The other 5 I kept with me under the Walmart lights for now.

I know these lights aren't good for much but I figured it was ok till I order a 400 watt HPS very soon.

Is this ok for both Vegetative and Flowering?

As of last week, I started bringing the plants outside and leaving them in the sun until around 8pm. 2 of my plants grew dramatically whenever I did this.

Two more of my plants actually died whenever I took them from under the Walmart lights and gave them real sun. I have no clue why.

They fell over and shriveled up bad and I said screw it and got rid of them.

The last remaining 3 I have (with me anyways) are shown below.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

As you can see, Plant 3 obviously has some kind of growing problem.

Plant 1 is about 3.5 weeks old
Plant 2 and 3 are about 3 weeks old (from seed)

As stated, I started all the plants in the Jiffy seed pod things and then put the seed pod down in a big container that had Miracle Grow soil inside of it.

After the plants reached about 5 inches, I gave each one of them its own half gallon container which has a different soil now.

This is the Soil I have them in now:

It's supposedly "Organic" yet the package says it feeds for up to 2 months.

I know I shouldn't have transplanted so many times and change soils but this is my first time growing anything so it's a learning experience lol.

I've heard you should (try) to transplant only like 2 times and the second time being in like a 5 gallon container but this was after I already transplanted like 3 times.

By the way, the plant pictures up plant 1,2, and 3 were just taken today so how do yall think they are going to be around 3 weeks old?

Is it ok that I bring the plants outside in the sun till the sun goes down and bring them back in under the walmart lights?

As I said I will be getting a 400 watt hps so these walmart lights are only temporary.

Also, do yall think they are old enough to add some fertilizer?

Is it possible to identify if each of my plants are indica or sativa yet?

Forgot to mention, After I bring the plants from outside are sunset I put them straight under the lights all night till morning and put them back outside.
Is it really bad to give them 24 hours of light even at this small? I figured the more light the better until it gets bigger.

Any tips for me at this stage would be appreciated


put your lights closer till you get your hps
Yeah, sounds like you're handling things pretty well right now, but I have to second the idea of getting better lights.

In my experience, anything from Walmart is probably a bad idea - especially for your pot. You need to give the plants more light though now. That's going to keep them going.

And it sounds like you've learned from some mistakes, so you're probably not going to have any more troubles here on out.
