how about that weather?


Well-Known Member
i used to live in phoenix, and every once in a while, around this time of year, these would come rolling in...

it's also cool to see this. i've never seen this, but one of these did happen earlier this year:

neither of these are my own. i was once in a massive hailstorm in south dakota standing under a tin roof. it was like being in a popcorn maker.

anyone got cool photos or stories to share?


Well-Known Member
I lived in Boulder City, NV, which is 10 min away from both Las Vegas, and from Arizona.
Its the middle of the desert, but the storms were awesome.
One day my dad picked me up from daycare, and it was storming rain. When storms come to the desert, they come big.... the sky had turned deep purple since it was the nighttime, and the rain was coming down hard. Then, as we were driving down the mountain (dad wanted scenic route), the purple sky was split by golden lighting, and it was beautiful... plus that delicious smell of creosote.

When I was in the fifth grade in Nevada, I had to walk home from school in a flash flood


Well-Known Member
I have a place in the mountains about an two hr drive from my own private Idaho. One minute just a gorgeous day and the next minute I'm hollering at the better half to come see some vicious attack by Mother Nature.
Constant source of amazement and we just love that stuff!


Well-Known Member
i've always wanted to be in midwest when they have one of those enormous temperature swings. they've had it change from -4 to 49 in TWO MINUTES :shock:

they've had it go from -50 to 50 in a day.

for some reason, that sounds cool to me.


Well-Known Member
i've always wanted to be in midwest when they have one of those enormous temperature swings. they've had it change from -4 to 49 in TWO MINUTES :shock:

they've had it go from -50 to 50 in a day.

for some reason, that sounds cool to me.

My mom and dad are from Nebraska, and they tell horror stories about tornados... i, for one, would like to see one, but they say there's no way in hell you could get them to be around a tornado again


nothing ever happens in west river SD except this one time we got caught in a flash flood but it turns out our neighbors dam broke


Well-Known Member
It snows at least once a year here even if it dose not stick, but it hasn't even been colder than 60f here. i wish i started my garden already if i knew it was gonna be this warm


Well-Known Member
nothing ever happens in west river SD except this one time we got caught in a flash flood but it turns out our neighbors dam broke

this is our living room , and in the game room we have a pool table & out back well that's our dam it supplies us with all or power ......lmao


Well-Known Member
When I was in highschool my parents sent me to one of the boot camp things cuz I was a bad kid. It was the in Arizona up in the mountains. A fat dust cloud just like that rolled though. We had no buildings, just fatty military style, 20 people tents. Our instructors just had us to in our tents, cover up with our itchy wool blankets. A few hours later when it passed we woke up covered in a few inches of sand, pre funny. Outside was like a war zone. All the sand formations had moved and bare rock under wary was exposed. Really freaky.

Also another time, same boot camp, a fatty monsoon rolled through. Same thing instructors just had us chill in the tent on hope it stays up and the fat wooden beams don't crush is. Then the commandant came running in all freaking out like "is everyone ok?" appearantly our tent was hit with a massive lightning bolt a few times. He was genuinely freaked out. We were like yeah we're fine why?