How about that oil spill!


Active Member
there should be no cap, BP should be sued into bankruptcy

not trying to defend bp or anything but it wasnt bp's people or equipment that caused this they contracted HALIBERTON to do the job thats the same wrekless company that robbed billions of $ from the americans in iraq thanks to corruption in the white house and corruption is probs why they got this contract so if your going to blame anyone blame your corrupt gov.


Well-Known Member
good point westham, but im still going to blame BP because they are tangible and id never be able to touch haliberton

revised statement: BP should be sued into bankrupcy and haliberton should be forced to swim a mile in the oily gulf

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I am happy about the oil spill. I recognize the potential here. This will be the end of the petroleum industry. I think it will take over 50 years to phase it out, but we dont need it, and i think this is just what people need to recognize that. There is still oil from the exxon valdez spill over 20 years ago. This will not be cleaned up for many years, and the consequences are far reaching. As the consequences of this spill stack up, the need to use alternatives is rising. Because of the oil industry's decision to price gouge during the Bush years, the alternative energy industry is on the rise anyway.

For the people who want to boycott BP: boycott ALL OIL. We dont need it. Everything we use it for can be done another way. Especially if we start using hemp.


Well-Known Member
Call me a douche, but this oil spill gave me a job. It's sad as hell but I'd be unemployed without it.


Well-Known Member
i think they could stop that shit right now. send a missle down there and blow the leaking part of that shit up. yeah, it would be messy, and no more oil for poor ol' BP. but it would seal it up good


Active Member
yh i thort the best way would be just drop a 250 tone waight on top of the leaking part that will stop it surely