How about a cloning forum?


Well-Known Member
I can't figure out how to contact the rollitup admins, but this is addressed to them. Since cloning crosses all categories of grow ops and everyone does it sooner or later and so many people have questions about it or problems doing it, can we get a forum just about cloing?

I'm about to start my first grow...I'm going to grow mothers from seed, then clone, and I know I'll have plenty of ?s about it, just like I have about everything else. It would be nice to have one place to go for answers. Just a thought, and if other people would like to see this, then bump this post along.

BTW, awesome site, the best I've found on growing.


Well-Known Member
There's already a ton of information on cloning under the FAQ. I don't think it requires its own forum. Then again if everyone read the FAQ there wouldn't be much need for any forum.


Well-Known Member
Ya but I was thinkin of a place where you could pose ?s you couldn't find the answer to in the FAQ or a search


Well-Known Member
Cloning is easy once you've done it a few times. (though recently had a plant that just wouldn't root. 2 out of 12-15 rooted)

Toss your Qs in newbie or the general growing forum (newbie wold be a better fit)

A cloning forum would be like a germ'ing forum. Its a finite, narrow topic.