How a Bump Stock works

My experience firing an AR with bump stock: giggled just like the guy in the video. Zero ability to place shots, fun to do once, no practical application for me, I would not pay to waste ammo like that again. Concerns: sickos firing into football stadiums or mass crowds like in Las Vegas.

Will banning bump stocks do anything? Probably not, but I support it. I've never done a thumb in the belt loop bump fire, but I know it can be done. So the only way to deter this type of sicko is to get semi-autos off the street. This will be challenging/impossible, possibly require 2nd amendment be changed. But maybe in my kid's lifetime it would make a difference?

I own a semi auto handgun but don't NEED the semi auto function for how I use the weapon. Largely just convenience for practicing. I would trade this convenience for greater public safety.

These thoughts are mine and as far as I know originated in my mind. A statement of the obvious but some new members are confused on where my thoughts come from.
So you legit think a ban on semi-autos will get them off the street?

High hopes.

Changing the second amendment?

Extremely high hopes.

I could care less about bump stocks and binary triggers. If banning them will shut people up, I'm all for it.
So you legit think a ban on semi-autos will get them off the street?

High hopes.

Changing the second amendment?

Extremely high hopes.

I could care less about bump stocks and binary triggers. If banning them will shut people up, I'm all for it.
We are in agreement. Does that bother you?
I would trade this convenience for greater public safety.
A statement of the obvious but some new members are confused on where my thoughts come from.

I wasn't confused about the recklessness of many gun owners. Not all gun owners are like you and together we form a super majority. It's just a matter of time.
So you legit think a ban on semi-autos will get them off the street?

High hopes.

Changing the second amendment?

Extremely high hopes.

I could care less about bump stocks and binary triggers. If banning them will shut people up, I'm all for it.
Gun owners are outnumbered 2:1. It's just a matter of time. We have to clean out the mess in Congress first. Thanks for that, by the way.

It won't be so bad, don't worry, nobody is going to take away your guns unless you can't be trusted to be safe with them..
Gun owners are outnumbered 2:1. It's just a matter of time. We have to clean out the mess in Congress first. Thanks for that, by the way.

It won't be so bad, don't worry, nobody is going to take away your guns unless you can't be trusted to be safe with them..

Read the whole articles, not just the titles. 2/3 of people want tighter gun laws, not the banishment of sales.

I'm not against tighter gun laws.
Recklessness of many gun owners... again.... 99.999999% commit zero crimes with their guns.

But yes, the .0000001% is the many...

- liberal thought process
Why can't the US have the same rates of non-suicide gun deaths and injuries that other countries enjoy? Again, I'm fine with the suicide rate. I'd like to see it higher but that would be vindictive of me to say.

Your stats are off by a long shot by the way. The rates of homicide alone are 5 US homicides by gun per 100,0000 people per year. Not surprised about your ignorance on this.

Is this where you tell me that more people die of peanut allergies? That's a dumb argument, by the way.
Read the whole articles, not just the titles. 2/3 of people want tighter gun laws, not the banishment of sales.

I'm not against tighter gun laws.
Yeah tighter gun laws. That's what I'm talking about. Something like Canada's laws would do just fine.

You'll be ok once we get it done. Nobody is going to have their guns taken away and practically the same number of people will still have the right to buy them.
Why can't the US have the same rates of non-suicide gun deaths and injuries that other countries enjoy? Again, I'm fine with the suicide rate. I'd like to see it higher but that would be vindictive of me to say.

Your stats are off by a long shot by the way. The rates of homicide alone are 5 US homicides by gun per 100,0000 people per year. Not surprised about your ignorance on this.

Is this where you tell me that more people die of peanut allergies? That's a dumb argument, by the way.

Because the US has 10x more people than other countries you mention.

As far as your suicide rate, that's where you contradict the fuck out of yourself.

"I want tighter gun laws so less people die, but I want more people to kill themselves offsetting any difference that was made!"

Hey so just a heads up for you folks here, gun related homicides by semi-automatic rifles are a drop in the bucket of gun related homicides. Even further, the amount killed by bump stocks is infinitesimally small, so small I doubt there is any data on it.

The reality is mass shootings produce emotionally driven responses not grounded in any logic whatsoever. Handguns are the primary tool of a murderer, not rifles. Statistically the whole argument against rifles is an absurdity, and wouldn't stand up to any scrutiny.
Because the US has 10x more people than other countries you mention.

As far as your suicide rate, that's where you contradict the fuck out of yourself.

"I want tighter gun laws so less people die, but I want more people to kill themselves offsetting any difference that was made!"


"5 gun deaths per 100,000 people". The size of the population is taken out of that statistic. Australia has 1 gun homicide per 100,000 people. Doesn't matter how large the population, the US has 5 times rate of higher murder by gun than Aus.

You can thank me for teaching you something now.

I'm fine with gun owners taking themselves out. I'm not encouraging it. But I'm ok with that. The world could do with fewer people who look the other way when people are murdered by the guns they love. Or as @Bugeye says, would trade other people's safety for his convenience.
Hey so just a heads up for you folks here, gun related homicides by semi-automatic rifles are a drop in the bucket of gun related homicides. Even further, the amount killed by bump stocks is infinitesimally small, so small I doubt there is any data on it.

The reality is mass shootings produce emotionally driven responses not grounded in any logic whatsoever. Handguns are the primary tool of a murderer, not rifles. Statistically the whole argument against rifles is an absurdity, and wouldn't stand up to any scrutiny.
5 gun homicides per 100,000 (US) >>>>> 1 gun homicide per 100,000

Gun control should include hand guns and rifles. Probably ought to throw in bazookas, tanks and nuclear bombs while we are at it.

Tell me how this doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Look if you're that worried about guns, do what unclebuck did and just move into your parents basement.

Create a safe space where nothing scary can hurt you.

"5 gun deaths per 100,000 people". The size of the population is taken out of that statistic. Australia has 1 gun homicide per 100,000 people. Doesn't matter how large the population, the US has 5 times rate of higher murder by gun than Aus.

You can thank me for teaching you something now.

I'm fine with gun owners taking themselves out. I'm not encouraging it. But I'm ok with that. The world could do with fewer people who look the other way when people are murdered by the guns they love. Or as @Bugeye says, would trade other people's safety for his convenience.

If we're going with per capita stastics, we also have 4x the guns as they do. So, again, the same amount of guns are being used in murders. And we have much looser gun laws.

Keep telling me again how your fairy tale princess ideas will work, I like stories.
5 gun homicides per 100,000 (US) >>>>> 1 gun homicide per 100,000

Gun control should include hand guns and rifles. Probably ought to throw in bazookas, tanks and nuclear bombs while we are at it.

Tell me how this doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

See, THESE are the dumbest fucking arguments out there. Nuclear bombs, tanks, and bazookas have NOTHING to do with civilian guns. So fucking stupid lmao
5 gun homicides per 100,000 (US) >>>>> 1 gun homicide per 100,000

Gun control should include hand guns and rifles. Probably ought to throw in bazookas, tanks and nuclear bombs while we are at it.

Tell me how this doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Not sure how that statistic (which I can't find replicated, by the way) has anything to do with my comment.

The narrative is false. The narrative, spurred largely in part by the media and special interest groups, is that "assault weapons" are a menace, leading to untold deaths, when statistically that does not stand up to scrutiny. Semi-automatic rifles account for a small percentage of gun related homicides.

Look, I'm not debating whether or not these instances of insane individuals taking the lives of many deserve being addressed. They do. I just question how, and why, the focus is on semi-automatic rifles, when they are a statistical blip in terms of gun related homicides. Not only that, but the crazy kid could have more easily concealed multiple handguns and killed more with a handgun than with an AR-15 style rifle.

I'm not saying ban handguns, either, although there is certainly less of a justifiable reason for owning them (you can't hunt with a handgun). Guns aren't the root cause of these atrocities and we all know it, so lets quit ignoring that.