Household nutes?

I've got a grow going of 4 bubba kush plants. I had goodluck and 4 out of 4 of the seeds I germinated sprouted. The seeds were given to me (ten in total). This grow is pretty much a trial grow, by no means am I expecting a whole lot if anything at all. I just got bored and needed a little hobby to hold me over for a bit. So I'm growing in a 2' by 5' closet. I don't have CFLs yet only some t12 25 watt flouro tubes. 150watt in total..I'll be getting some CFL 2700 in time when flowering starts. My concern are the nutrients. I don't have anything at all besides the dirt they are growing in. It's regular indoor potting soil. The question: Are there any basic household items that I can use for nutrients? i was reading some where that tea can be used for nitrogen. True? My other question is if I don't use nutes, just the potting soil, can I expect any bud at all? i don't plan on vegging them for very long (they're at about 2 weeks from sprouting, I figured another week or two and then switch to 12/12). So yes, please keep in mind that I'm not really taking this grow very seriously and don't expect much if anything at all. Its just for fun, feedback appreciated. Thanks again.


Active Member
they have a normal 10-15-10 that you could use while vegetating and flowering in a pinch no problem with a bit of molasses and epsom salts.
