house getting appraised. help please

i wouldnt like some random guy knowing i have a grow in my house , just that one or even two guys knowing about your grow could end up being a thousand people knowing ,' loose lips sink ships ' you have never met these people before and you have no idea who they know or what they get upto outside of work , they are just humans like the rest of us .
i would get rid of the plants for the day .you dont wanna get your door kicked in one night .
I would recommend removing the plants :

1. complete the move during the night time.
2. move them with a van/minivan/suv. or are they too big?
3. move them to the home of someone who knows you grow.
4. you absolutely have to do something like this.
5. make sure to follow step 1.
Ya I'm just gonna move them. I think they won't be Too shocked. I will move them in the morning before I go to work and put them in a safe place. My work hours are the plants night time so I will find a dark spot. They will only lose 1 hour of light. Late in flowering so not too worried about herming as they are almost done already. also I'm going to take the light and ducting down for the afternoon. Weak.

Ill update again after the inspection.
A 'wood pile' in the back yard made out of plywood with a tarp over it? :(

maybe a few logs around it to make it less suspicious.

I agree, not worth the risk. Show and tell no one.
Alright everyone update time! I dis assembled my closet grow this morning and moved it all into the trailer out front and locked the door. Since the trailer isn't part of the home she won't need to go in. I almost chose my shed because its my plants night time and its darker than the trailer, but I wasn't sure if the appraiser would want to go in the shed because it IS a structure.

So hopefully they don't stress out to herm from the light. Only two weeks left or less to finish flowering so I doubt it will go far enuf to seed my crop out by then.

She comes at 1pm west coast time, I will update after the inspection and when I re-assemble my set up. Wish me luck!
Alright everyone update time! I dis assembled my closet grow this morning and moved it all into the trailer out front and locked the door. Since the trailer isn't part of the home she won't need to go in. I almost chose my shed because its my plants night time and its darker than the trailer, but I wasn't sure if the appraiser would want to go in the shed because it IS a structure.

So hopefully they don't stress out to herm from the light. Only two weeks left or less to finish flowering so I doubt it will go far enuf to seed my crop out by then.

She comes at 1pm west coast time, I will update after the inspection and when I re-assemble my set up. Wish me luck!

Good can always move the trailer to a walmart parking lot or something also, but sounds like you're good. I'll be waiting for your update, good luck.
how big are the six plants? and whoever said 2 vans with 30 people is inspector who writes an appraisal report after doing comparable home sales in your neighborhood recently..he will probably be thorough and check everywhere for mold/termites electrical etc...can you put the plants in the yard or in your trunk for 2 hours?
This is what I would do

Go to homer depot and buy the big paper leaf bags and pick up a box of contractor garbage bags. Put a plant in each garbage bag and than into the leaf bag, fold top and put in back yard. If it rains cover paper bag with garbage bag. Return to house when inspection is over. Stay with the inspector all the time do not leave him for anything or I will come kick your ass.

You do not want him to make any notes that you have a grow op this can make it difficult to sell down the road. :shock:
This is what I would do

Go to homer depot and buy the big paper leaf bags and pick up a box of contractor garbage bags. Put a plant in each garbage bag and than into the leaf bag, fold top and put in back yard. If it rains cover paper bag with garbage bag. Return to house when inspection is over. Stay with the inspector all the time do not leave him for anything or I will come kick your ass.

You do not want him to make any notes that you have a grow op this can make it difficult to sell down the road. :shock:

I feel that. They should be safe alreeady. Thanks tho.
I feel that. They should be safe alreeady. Thanks tho.

Either way, if they do find the plants (and you have the right to refuse them to look in the tent/trailer thingie), if somehow you get the vibe that they know, remember: they aren't the cops. You can get rid of them before they process it. If they are that close to finish you should be able to think of a way to put them somewhere for the culmination of their grow cycle. No evidence no case. Stay with them every second and note their facial expression when they are near anywhere you were growing. Ask for a copy of their notes (some states it may be mandatory for them to have to give you one), it can't hurt to ask. If you have any questions afterwards shoot me a pm and I'll look into it and give you the best info I can.
Either way, if they do find the plants (and you have the right to refuse them to look in the tent/trailer thingie), if somehow you get the vibe that they know, remember: they aren't the cops. You can get rid of them before they process it. If they are that close to finish you should be able to think of a way to put them somewhere for the culmination of their grow cycle. No evidence no case. Stay with them every second and note their facial expression when they are near anywhere you were growing. Ask for a copy of their notes (some states it may be mandatory for them to have to give you one), it can't hurt to ask. If you have any questions afterwards shoot me a pm and I'll look into it and give you the best info I can.

Thanks buddy I appreciate it. I'm confident things will go well. Lett update around 4 ish.

P.s. I love Elysian brewery! The IPA is my favorite beer but I like the mens room red too.
Wow the fucking CUNT CANCELED!! Now I have to go through this al over again on Tuesday. I'm soooo mad right now its not even funny. I'm like should I just fucking harvest now and not have to deal with this shit? Or do I just tough it out and set my shit back up just take take down again Tuesday?

Someone calm me down!!
nah man relax ..set up again...and take down on call and explain calmly that you took work off to meet the appraiser and you are not pleased with the no show...they will come on time next week and you are done with it for many years
I just read the entire thread and it totally sucks she cancelled. I have been through this twice over the years and am about to do it again. In any case I have only ever had one person come through my house, not a team like some one else mentioned. Both times they did a pretty good inspection but were really there to make sure the house was in good condition. I simply remove the plants but leave the grow closet in tact. I then fill the grow closet with boxes and stuff us so it looks like storage. I found this method easier than trying to dissasemble the room and re assemble it. They will not bother to dig through your stuff. I think you are pretty safe storing them in the trailer, she has no reason to go in there.