House & Garden Nutrients

i keep seeing the words "mid grade" in reference to house and garden nutes, lol. what chart are you using to come to this conclusion? if it's the price tag, i don't agree. h&g are a very good line. you don't need too use all of the supps either. i've used the coco a&b, and pro-tekt and diamond nectar with great results. the other stuff is just frosting on the cake.
i growing in half foxfarm ocean forest half pro-mix bx. I am at the point of needing to give my girls some nutes. what nutes do i need definately from house and garden for a successful grow? I have soil a and b already. Im going to pick up roots excelator, do i need anything else at this time?? and if someone could post there veg schedule and flowering schedule with this nute line i would appreciate it it much + rep.
I used H&G for a couple years and have since switched to AN with MUCH better results. Still have a couple gallons of H&G left in fact. It works good enough but nothing special and tends to have PH fluctuations. Lot better yields with AN and their Sensi line is quite cheap @ $39 gallon.
i've only used the coco line, but i run to waste so there is never any ph issues. i think most nutes, except maybe miracle grow (which do work) are more than sufficient to grow great smoke. after a certain point, it's just hype, imo.
Well of course the guys at the hydro shop are gonna tell you that. ;)

House and Garden is some pretty decent mid-grade nutrients. If I had to use them I'd probably want to get a lot more supplements than I would be satisfied with if I were using a higher grade of nutrient, but you can grow fine with just the basic stuff, maybe a couple extras.

I know a few people who really love their House and Garden and swear by those nutrients, but I just don't like to compromise. My grandpa always told me to buy the best you can afford because you'll rarely be disappointed. In my experience that's just as true for hydroponic nutrients as it is for anything else.
ahhhh,2hi!! def. a advanced nutes man!
what makes AN so MUCH better?

cause if it is, which doubt, the switch could be a poss when handG run out.........

what makes it better?
I just wanna say that I have used a shit ton of different nutes, and when Canna came out it was the shit. But now that I got my hands on H&G, My shit is twice as explosive as my buddy running Canna still. The flavor and scent are more pronounced as well, I think by using the drip clean. That shit and the roots excelurator are TOP. GO H&G!!!!

:peace:bongsmilie I will smoke to that!!!
Hey does anyone have the NPK ratio of H&G coco A&B per gallon? It seems like a 2-1-3 ratio for veg or somethin?
if i am not mistaken, one of the head scientists for AN left & started Canna ...then sold Canna to develop H & G.

so, how could H&G be just a decent or mid-grade product when it's been formulated by a TOP scientist ...who created other products you guys dick ride & worship?

don't be an AN dick rider just for the sake of smoking popular cock.

smoke dicks because it works for you & your lifestyle.

get my inuendo?

and, i am NOT bashing AN because they have a few products i think are fabulous.

as far as H&G :

aqua flakes A & B = excellent products

root excel = mega excellent

and others.

do your research.

to mr chemmy tasting : if your plants tasted chemmy it's likely due to grower error (because you blasted & over nuted them) not just because of nute brand.

did you flush properly?

or, are you just talking shizzle?
Seems that there are a lot of people talkin about House& Garden. I can tell you first hand that these are the best nutes out there period. I talk to 100’s of growers and I would say 80% prefer H&G. From personal to full on high production for dispensaries. The sweet taste!!! The cleanest out there. From negative to positive remarks they are def. stirring up the pot. When people talk that much there must be something to it……Peace and good luck
I will say it again for all the peeps here dissing H&G.... They are the only company with their OWN LAB as well as the best scientists(yes AN and Canna are good but their best left for a better company) and the results are AMAZING. If you had a problem using this line then it must be error by grower, get ur skills right!!! And as for AN and all other nutes out there, they are far from ever being comparable..
Can anyone post a link to a good place to get the H&G line up. None of my local shops carry them. They push AN....

Here you go buddy…Click here :)….and thanks to all you who post positive things about H&G. Tried to change some peoples mind on a forum where they were bashing, big mistake….turned into a crucifixion with me on the cross. I really believe in House and will rep it till the end. I have seen the best quality from it and I think you will too. Peace and good luck
if i am not mistaken, one of the head scientists for AN left & started Canna ...then sold Canna to develop H & G.

so, how could H&G be just a decent or mid-grade product when it's been formulated by a TOP scientist ...who created other products you guys dick ride & worship?

don't be an AN dick rider just for the sake of smoking popular cock.

smoke dicks because it works for you & your lifestyle.

get my inuendo?

and, i am NOT bashing AN because they have a few products i think are fabulous.

as far as H&G :

aqua flakes A & B = excellent products

root excel = mega excellent

and others.

do your research.

to mr chemmy tasting : if your plants tasted chemmy it's likely due to grower error (because you blasted & over nuted them) not just because of nute brand.

did you flush properly?

or, are you just talking shizzle?

WOW!!!! Someone in this thread ACTUALLY know their shit! Kudos my friend