House & Garden Nutrients


Active Member
Im curious to see everyones thoughts on the house and garden line of nutrients, everywhere iv heard there top dog, expensive as shit but with amazing results, they come highly reccomended everywhere so im giving them a try unfortunately i dont have the hydro a&b right now but i will be using roots excellurator (amazing stuff) shooting powder, top booster, and bud xl, in replace of the main nutes ill be using sensi bloom, as for additives i use liquid karma, hygrozyme, cal-mag, protekt silica, and nitrozyme (my grow is getting fucking expensive!!) so if anyon has experience with this or if i shoud not mix these certain things together please chime in, anyone interested ill post another thread testing this line out and next grow will be a straight run with house and garden only most likely, so well see how it goes ive heard of this lineup easily increasing yields by 30-40%+ (ill be trying this with soil first then maybe hydo)


Active Member
hehe schultz and cfls eh? those look damn good props to ever who can resist all those pricey nutrients in pretty bottles! i was thinking of having a flourescent grow on the side just for fun because ive heard of some people pulling like a gram per watt with em! i have some clones in FF/wormcasting/perlite right now that ill be hitting with all this crap lol, ill be checkin out your journal for sures


Well-Known Member
There is a guy named drbudgreengenes he pulls 2.somthin grams per watt cfl perpetual harvesthe grows 7gram dried nugs in 16oz gatorade bottles...crazy. Just have to keep the plants short as flouro doesnt penatrate :(

hehe schultz and cfls eh? Those look damn good props to ever who can resist all those pricey nutrients in pretty bottles! I was thinking of having a flourescent grow on the side just for fun because ive heard of some people pulling like a gram per watt with em! I have some clones in ff/wormcasting/perlite right now that ill be hitting with all this crap lol, ill be checkin out your journal for sures


Active Member
LOL holy shit now thats what im talking about ill check him out for sure i train the hell outta mine, but the strain i have has got some fatty fingers on the leaves ill have to rip some off or tie em down, 2 gram per watt in gatorade bottles haha unbelieveable!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The strain makes a huge difference when it comes to strenght of the smoke and the yield. House and Garden is obviously good stuff if you can afford it. Everyone who uses it swears by the stuff. My bud gets exceptional results in soil with House and Garden products. But I do very good in hydro without House and Garden. For me to replace what I use now would cost me almost $200.00! I cant afford that! I will have to stick with Technaflora, FoxFarms and Supernatural products. I get good results so why spend the dough if you dont have to. Peace Out!


Well-Known Member
i have yet to try or read something bad about house and garden
so i am interested to see how it works out for you
will you be posting pics?


Active Member
i agree its mostly the genetics and what you do with them, light, dissolved oxygen levels, vapor pressure deficit, and c02 are far bigger factors to consider before nutrients, im starting expensive and working my way down cause this is too much $$ to keep up on all the time heheh, but any input is appreciated on what has worked well for others that is easy on the pocket book! sure ill post some pics, ill induce flowering within a week and i have a pretty quick indica dom finisher (notherlightsxblueberry) at around 55-60 days so the countdown will begin soon, i have 18 plants in soil right now that ill be testing this stuff out on


Active Member
IMHO House & Garden sucks. I started several years ago using this nutrient and it just doesn't live up to the hype. For instance, my buddy grew the same strain as me and his nugs where 5 times the size of mine and he was using Cutting Edge Solutions. He's the type of guy that just throws plants in a room and gives them no attention to detail. Mean while I am the most anal person making sure I am on top of everything, EVERYDAY. I dunno, I just switched to Cutting Edge Solutions, so we'll see.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I have been using House and garden since day one. I am new to growing and when i asked my local shop what to get they said house and garden so i did. I went with the Aqua a/b, Multinzim, Bud XL, TopBooster, Top Shooter. Check out my sig. for the grow. Going to be fun watching your grow man seeing someone other then me use these nutes, your the first person i found that is using H&G other then me. Dont forget the pics man. bongsmilie

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
getting ready to start another grow i hope soon ...... since i have lots of H&G nutes i will be using the line agian, i do have the line of GH nutes so i will be doing a compare between the two grows ...........just seeing if there are any more House and Garden users out there. Would really like to be able to get this thread rolling and get every ones feed back.

ellpwnzj00 have you been up to man still using the line ?