House Blocks DEA From Targeting Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON -- Reflecting growing national acceptance of cannabis, a bipartisan coalition of House members voted early Friday to restrict the Drug Enforcement Administration from using funds to go after medical marijuana operations that are legal under state laws.

An appropriations amendment offered by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) prohibiting the DEA from spending funds to arrest state-licensed medical marijuana patients and providers passed 219-189. The Senate will likely consider its own appropriations bill for the DEA, and the House amendment would have to survive a joint conference before it could go into effect.

Rohrabacher said on the House floor that the amendment "should be a no-brainer" for conservatives who support states' rights and argued passionately against allowing the federal government to interfere with a doctor-patient relationship.

Complete story:
I would like to see their definition of 'providers'.

Dana's got it right about state rights, that's the whole point, so people can vote with their feet.
Yeah, but what's the Senate going to do? And Obama? He hasn't exactly been the kind of friend in the white house that I had hoped for....
"Either Chris Christie truly doesn't have any future political ambitions or he hasn't gotten the memo that poll after poll shows that a supermajority of American voters wants the federal government to butt out of state marijuana laws," - See more at:

So when your all getting ready to vote in 2016 remember this......

I for one, although highly supporting medical and recreational in ALL states have no intention of helping to put another bumbling, lying Dem in the WH? Isn't enough enough?
I for one, although highly supporting medical and recreational in ALL states have no intention of helping to put another bumbling, lying Dem in the WH? Isn't enough enough?
Are you for real with this statement?
You must be the one putting up the lame anti-Obama signs in my county.
I'm sure things would be so much better had Romney been elected! YEAH FUCKING RITE.
I'm pretty sure that YOUR Tea Bagging Party would still be fucking up this country. Sorry
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Are you for real with this statement?
You must be the one putting up the lame anti-Obama signs in my county.
I'm sure things would be so much better had Romney been elected! YEAH FUCKING RITE.
I'm pretty sure that YOUR Tea Bagging Party would still be fucking up this country. Sorry

Tea-bagging party? Nope. Republican Party? Nope Democratic Party? Nope. Totally independent, but let's face it, the current administration couldn't find their ass with both hands.
Glad to hear that you aren't one of those right-wing nut jobs! Really!
But all the republicans do is talk shit with absolutely no plan of their own.

I'm for Americans who still have some pride left. I don't see much of it from Repubs and I don't see any of it from Dems ( in both partys currently holding office ). Gotta get back to the basics, stop the welfare train, re-establish states rights and start cleaning house in D.C. Believe or not, not everyone has fallen into the slumber.
Campaign Finance Reform would definately help! Peace, and I'm trully sorry for thinking you were a teabagger.