house and garden top booster

i have a question about the top booster. what exactly does it do? i had some plants that i was told were a 9 week flower so i added top booster not that long ago but now they told me that its an 11 week flower. i was just wondering if it will matter or not because i just switched the nutes back to bud xl but i have to do it for 2 weeks and then AGAIN add more top booster.

I gave them 2 full doses last week 5.7ml/gl

now i am going to give them 3.8ml/gl of bud xl for 2 weeks before i add yet again more top booster.

if anyone has any ideas or answers. thanks.
You should be using bud xl the whole flowering fase at 1ml/l.
Top booster is the same as canna pk 13/14 but has added iron you should use this for only one week 3 weeks before harvest.
thanks vanderlay but i already used the top booster early im just wondering what is going to happen now or if it doesnt make much of a difference?
early in? so you used it around week 2 or 3? its not going to be a big deal either way. the difference is when the plants actually need a boost or can handle the boost actually. this usually, for most strains, happens after the 3rd week. so at day 21+ there a stange in plants flower that allow for a boost to work. i usually do start of week 4 on an 8 week-9 week strain. so at day 21-28 there is the pk 13/14 in the res. you can try days 25-35, which is suggested by half the people on here but i feel the sooner the better for growth and i want my plants finished in 8 cause 9 weeks is less cycles in a year and less income :)
TopBooster is a PK additive, so it should be used during flowering. I think it could be used the entire time of flowering, just watch you ppm's and dosages
I was let to believe that I should only add top booster for 3-4 days at the beginning of week 5. Then flush through and change over to the shooting powder. Top booster is made to finish plants in 4 weeks it triggers reactions within the plant that cause this.

I havent got that far but I am using the full line. I also have not started the budxl yet and I am starting it next week with the top booster. Beginning of week 5.

Up until now they have had soil AB, multienzyme, drip clean and roots excel with a couple of sprays of magic green in veg.

Next I will drop the drip clean and roots excel and switch to soil AB, multienzyme, bud xl and top booster (only for 3-4 days) then drop the top booster flush and start on shooting powder Reintroducing the roots excel after the top booster has been cleared and the shooting powder is going back in.

Just my 2 cents.

Mouse is right. Top Booster is designed to trigger a hormonal response. It basically tells the plant that it's dying. If you use it too early your plants most likely won't finish at their full potential. Same thing if you use Bloombastic too strong, too early. You get nice looking buds, but the yield will be somewhat diminished.
Top booster will yellow out your big fans in about a week. The plant will take all of that energy an put t into flower production. If you still had time to stack weight in mid flower, well you just sold yourself a bit short, cuz your plants are now goin to try and finish out in the next 4 weeks.

These nutrient companies don't list all of the ingredients in their bottles. Lots of nutrients contain plant growth regulators, hormones, and metals. They really are only required to list "plant foods" aka NPK. Check for more info. They do this to duck import regulations. Thats why you see stuff pulled off the market all the time.
There is a monster thread about H & G. It's got more info from people that know their shit than one could absorb in a month.

Research Kitty has a lot of experience with this.....haven't seen her on here for a while though.

Coco AB
Roots excelurator
Top Shooter
Great White myco

I Don't use top booster . Tried a few times and kept burning everything. I think pH problems were contributing to that, though

Nice flowers bud! So you only used Bud-XL and Top Shooter at the end?

I just did a run with Top Booster as well but I wasn't impressed with the quality although the buds were different were definitely bigger. It's been summer so it got really got in the tent which probably had more to do with reduced quality. I'll try half strength top booster next time