House and Garden Coco 50L bags.. High PH as of late..


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed that US House and Garden Coco over the last 4-5 months has been consistently higher in PH?

The medium used to easily sit in the range of 6.5 with watering in at 5.8 or so..

Now, I have serious trouble getting the ph to come down in the media... the plants are showing signs of ph being off..

What's the deal? I'm trying to pull it down but it is being STUBBORN!

This was not a problem for the last many years until recently.
5.5 ph water going in...
7ph coming out..
what gives?

Was never like this is the past.. seeing in 2 different gardens..
i just recently switched to house and gardens coco line so i am new to the schedule, but i am having ph problems as well. Also my ph meter was slighty off when i recently calibrated it so im hoping to see some improvements now. but i am interested to know if anyone else is having problems.
im using smart pots so i dont ever get enough run off to test the ph but i am doing a flush to one of my plants so i expect i should be able to get some run off then to test and compare to
Sure blame it on House & Garden :lol:

@TexasHank: No idea why your pH goes up, I never have that problem. The nutrients level and ratio and uptake strongly affect the pH level. What is your ppm (in and drain) and do you use anything else than AB?
do either of you use the h&g schedule to the tee?
i am just getting ready to cut down my first crop and i used the exact schedule they have listed online. the first week of flowering i did the magic green foliar spray at half strength with what appeared to be good results ( i only sprayed once that week) on week 3 i sprayed again at full strength and i suffered pretty bad nutrient burn on top of the nutrient burn i was already dealing with through the regular feeding schedule which they never really recovered from :*( i have not used the foliar feed again. have either of you delt with any burning on their schedule?
I use only AB and about a 1/3-1/4 of the recommended dose in dwc. Differs per medium though, I use about 1/2 the recommended dose on coco.

Magic Green can be quite aggressive on some plants. Also make sure you spray it after the light goes off and if needed spray it off before the light turns off again.
i appreciate the reply, what is dwc? i am using coco and just recently went through and printed a new schedule with all additives at 50% and i took out the amino treatment nor will i be using the magic green this run. my plants are currently almost 3 weeks into flower and im flushing them, then i will start the 50%feed and hope for better results than my last harvest which made me pretty sad to see :(
Deep/Direct Water Culture. It's hydro without a medium.

Do you have a ppm meter? You should measure the PPM/EC of the drain and compare that to the PPM/EC of what you give.
i do, i have never checked the run off, but i have checked it before feed and i stayed under 600 ppm throughout veg and barely went over 600 in flower.
600 sounds about right (for coco that is), I used 450-600 one cycle and that was on the low side. 650 might work a little better. Anyway, I definitely recommend checking the drain.
i am in the midst of flushing currently i will check my next drain off and check it again until i feed next with the half strength. ill keep ya posted. thanks for your help