You've been growing close to a year. wow. A fucking newbie!! I've been growing longer than you've been alive. You must be a close minded twenty something.. who doesn't know shit.. come back when you grow up.. you're a cocky sob
You do realize using my grow experience as a reason to not answer any of the questions we've asked just makes you look like the cocky sob right? We've done no name calling or anything, just said that your claim of flowering after nine months of 18 hours of light can't be true. I've given you a whole list of reasons it can't and you're so focused on the fact that I'm new that you can't see how ridiculous you're acting right now. I'm pretty open actually you can check my post history I hardly go around trolling or calling names or even making claims. I ask questions and cast doubt where I think it belongs. That is how we learn, we agree, disagree, and discuss.
But we've done the agreeing and disagreeing, you're the one who doesn't want to dicuss it. You're claiming you flowered a plant on an 18/6 light schedule...fine, where's your proof beside your word? What conditions was this plant in? I want to talk about your grows and learn about this strange thing you're claiming but you don't want to discuss it at all, you just want to point at my experience and discredit me alone on that which isn't a valid debate tactic.
If I had been growing twenty years and not seen or heard of what you were talking about I still wouldn't believe you, see how my experience doesn't change that fact you're making an extraordinary claim?
You remind me of Christians who when confronted about the accuracy of the Bible and the validity of Jesus's divinity with hard facts retreat into their shell like a turtle and start arguing like they are in middle school.
Here's you:
"Oh you think I'm wrong? Well you're stupid and a doo doo head."
That is what you come across as right now and if you're really as experienced as a grower as you claim you are I'm real surprised in all your time on earth you forgot to learn how to communicate with people and not act like an ape behind the keyboard.
Your weed might be good but your attitude is shittier than mexican brick, I wouldn't want to smoke with you.