Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
i hope you get a good pheno with the blue cheese, if you do, you will never let it go. it isn't my favourite smoke but i will always have place in my heart for the cut my fellow grower has.
foliage looks lush as always, good job.
I know im super excited, well i have smoked a lot of great smoke, even though the blue cheese i have had always doesnt seem to be great quality but has been my favorite smoke, so i really hope i get a good pheno, from looks of stem and how the plant looks, it looks amazing a lot more purple in the stem than the afrodite for sure, hopefully i get the legit blue cheese pheno

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i've grown 2 blue cheeses one good one bad. i've kept hold of my good blue cheese cut since i started up about a year nearly 2 ago lol.

good luck finding a keeper :)


Well-Known Member
i've grown 2 blue cheeses one good one bad. i've kept hold of my good blue cheese cut since i started up about a year nearly 2 ago lol.

good luck finding a keeper :)
Thanks bro, ya i got it from big buddah seed company have you heard anything good about it, what blue cheese's did u grow out?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
unfortunately they was gifted clones so really unsure of the genetics, although i'd like to find out. my keeper is most probs exodus cheese x blueberry due to the taste and high. the non keeper i nicknamed minty cheese as it didnt really smell of anything, resesive genetics i guess?


Well-Known Member
unfortunately they was gifted clones so really unsure of the genetics, although i'd like to find out. my keeper is most probs exodus cheese x blueberry due to the taste and high. the non keeper i nicknamed minty cheese as it didnt really smell of anything, resesive genetics i guess?
ahh yes fucking resesive genes that tend to pop out everyonce in a while, Fuckers


Well-Known Member
ITS 420 SOMEWHERE!!!!!! Just smoked a huge bowl of top grade cheese, and i am nocked on my ass!!!!

I cant remember what else i was going to do today, lol.

Just got done watching the green hornet, it was pretty good, has anyone else seen it???

also been working on site, for my kennel im just starting as a little family hobby.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thats fair enough bro :) if its dank then its gotta have some exodus in it some where some how lol (are you familiar with the cheese history?)


Well-Known Member
thats fair enough bro :) if its dank then its gotta have some exodus in it some where some how lol (are you familiar with the cheese history?)
No im not at all but if you have a great link or can sum it up so u dont have to type ur ass off, i would love to learn.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
The Exodus Cheese(clone only) has been in the U.K for over 20 years and has been very popular around the Bedfordshire region and Birmingham (Midlands) since late 80's. Cheese Pheno was first found in the late 80's in a pack of 15 Sensiseeds Skunk#1 that was originally bred by American breeder living in the netherlands called Sam the Skunkman. The Cheese Pheno was found by a grower from Abbots Langley just 16 miles away from Luton (UK) who was a Boaty on the grand union canal in a disused garden center situated at Hunton Bridge, Abbots Langley. Spiral Tribe, an old music group were there for a while fitting a music rig into their coach,during this time Spiral Tribe recieved the Cheese pheno from the Boaty and from there it passed to the Exodus crew[a underground music movement who traveled around the UK, originaly from Haz manor Luton, Bedfordshire area]who have kept the original strain still to this day[in clone], After recieving the clone Exodus crew decided to name it Cheese and this was not because it smelt or tasted anything like the edible cheese but because it had a distinctive stench a smell different from other skunks,a smell which lingers so much the word which best described it was cheese hence the name.The cheese smell is one of the strongest pungent moorish smells you could ever smell, it has earthy musky with a slight fruity licourice taste with rich skunky smell, its that sublime old school flavour from back in the days ,which is again available for us thanks to the Exodus crew. Exodus Cheese buds look lime green with high calyx to leaf ratio, the buds grow like whispy corn pods, foxtail off nicely and are covered in glistening T.H.C crystals and are also very sticky and a decent carbon filter would be needed.The Strength of Exodus Cheese can vary depending on flowering times and it also depends 100% on the growers methods and experience just like with most cannabis plants, from my personal experience growing the cheese i would harvest week 8-9 for a trippy high buzz but if your looking for medicinal value i would flower Cheese for 10-12 weeks for that narcotic couchlock effect, 12 weeks Cheese will give you the effect of extreme lazyness and is very sleepy buzz and is good for those with eating disorders but it will have to be takeaway.I have been growing Exodus Cheese since 2002 and smoking since 1994, it was passed to me by an old Exodus crew member in his early 50's and he said he had been smoking it for years and its strongest skunk going around since late 80's, ive had this clone only plant in my mother room ever since and the only other strains that could compare to this are like eg OG Kush,East Coast Sour diesel(clone only). I would say Exodus cheese(clone only) is one of the best Elite cannabis strains out there, because you can not say one strain is the best in the World, there are so many flavours and strengths of Cannabis out there and i would be ignorant to think that Exodus Cheese is the best strain in the World ,but it certainly is one of the best. Before BigBuddha released his cross version of Cheese x Afghan into Hightimes cup hardly anyone had heard of it, exept the UK homegrower, so after BB took won the cup every homegrower around the Globe wanted that stenchy sublime old school Cheese skunk in there garden, but with BB Cheese you will be lucky to get anything close pheno to the real exodus Cheese but this is the only way others around the World will get to taste Cheese unless they sum how manage to obtain the real clone,it is just like with ECSD it is also only available in clone but most of us are satisfied with seed version becuase that will the closest most of us will get to tasting the real deal. Exodus Cheese(clone only) is now available around most parts of Europe and i have also heard sum growers in the States & Canada claim they have it now also,i have seen so many growers in the UK claim they had the real Exodus Cheese but they had a slightly watered down version, so i would like to clear the waters by showing you guys pics of the real Exodus Cheese(clone only) and i will also like to invite everyone to come join us at home of exodus Cheeseheads, you will find so much info on Cheese and we also have a thread dedicated on Cheese(original Exodus Cheese Gallery).If you look into our Cheese Gallery you will notcie the characteristics of the real Cheese, Exodus Cheese leafs are double serrated and you will also notice unlike the BB version exodus Cheese is more of a lime green colour and she also foxtails in week 7. Exodus Cheese is high yeilder but this is totally depending on the growers methods and experience, i would also recomend making Bubble/ice o lator hash out of Exodus Cheese as it will taste of moorish Cheese concentrate and the high will be unbelievable that will leave you dazed and confused. Mr West's cheese thread

issue 1, 2009 also has quite a bit of info on the uk exodus, its quite a way into the document :)

happy reading bro :)

edit - my mates have been to exodus raves, its not a million miles from me ;)


Well-Known Member
Well in recent news my VW bug was parked out along side the street of my house, it s 65 lowered sick restored, its my daily driver and i love it.

it was hit, by a fucktard mexican no offense to mexican people, but for someone to hit a motherfucking parked car with a stop sign one house down, so cant be going that fast, hits my bug on a road which literally, one lane is as wide as 2 18wheelers.

And to do a hit a run, literally looking at me while i chase there car on FOOT down the street.

So my lovely bug is now fucked and i really dont know what to do, i who is broke, lol. with liability insurance and a hit-run so my bug doesnt get fix'd wants to kill.

oh and whats fucked up how ghetto my town is, i left the driver window down, this happened last night around 730pm, someone fucking other mexican tried to steal my fucking radio.

but the son of a bitch couldnt get it out god i want to move now more than ever, and fuck city and living in city limits, i have lived in the country my whole life, i have lived here 9 months and have had more shit go worng than 24yrs of living in the country.


Well-Known Member
Well was taking pictures to show everyone but camera went dead ill post some up as soon as i get a charge.

oh ya it pushed my bug about 30yrds the fucker had to been fucking hauling ass


Well-Known Member
Im now gorging myself with romulan bowls, and pizza pockets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone want any parts for a bug, hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
So just wanted to state that when i say restored is was complete, all it needed was a paintjob, and the two front seats re-done. Besides that the body was flawless no rust,dents or dings. fully rebuilt 1600cc motor with rebuilt freeflyer trans, it all has about 1yrs of use on it. the shitty things about bugs once they have been in a accident or need repairs like this, they become worthless, only unflawed bugs are worth anything, so im pissed to say the least, also the whole read axle and the supports are bent so them being apart of the chassis, im pretty sure it will be totaled.

so here are some pics
3-3 035.jpg my car was the the far left of the pic before it got hit infront of the walkway.

3-3 044.jpghere is the stop sign before the bug i took a pick when a truck was turning so its easier to judge.

3-3 043.jpgHere you can tell how wide the road really is.

here is the damage lol-3-3 039.jpg3-3 041.jpg3-3 042.jpg3-3 037.jpg3-3 040.jpg3-3 038.jpg3-3 036.jpg

I got parts of your car you assHOLES - 3-3 045.jpg

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:-PHI HOtp
I just finished reading every page of your journal.. whowowowowowo:-P:leaf:
Please pass me some of your REDNECKbongsmilie:peace: cause my eyes are:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
I celebrated chirstmas,valentines day, buiilding your shed, your wedding, fucking migets or getting fucked by migets???, and unfortuently.... here I am .the first post after YOUR CAR GETS WRECKED!!!!!!!!!!
SOrry to hear of those fucktard mexican bastartds ruining yur love machine. :sad:
(nothing agiainst mexicans)
YOur home is beautiful, it dosent look like it would be a ghetto nieghborhood with all that crime... you must be in Cali, cause on the east coast a ghetto LOOKS like a ghetto. I ve lived on both coasts and many places in between.
At any rate... your garden is beautiful and if you dont mind, i would like to subscribe to your journal to watch you grow...:peace: Amber


Well-Known Member
:-PHI HOtp
I just finished reading every page of your journal.. whowowowowowo:-P:leaf:
Please pass me some of your REDNECKbongsmilie:peace: cause my eyes are:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
I celebrated chirstmas,valentines day, buiilding your shed, your wedding, fucking migets or getting fucked by migets???, and unfortuently.... here I am .the first post after YOUR CAR GETS WRECKED!!!!!!!!!!
SOrry to hear of those fucktard mexican bastartds ruining yur love machine. :sad:
(nothing agiainst mexicans)
YOur home is beautiful, it dosent look like it would be a ghetto nieghborhood with all that crime... you must be in Cali, cause on the east coast a ghetto LOOKS like a ghetto. I ve lived on both coasts and many places in between.
At any rate... your garden is beautiful and if you dont mind, i would like to subscribe to your journal to watch you grow...:peace: Amber
Your more than welcome to join the show, haha i would pass u some redneck but over the past few days i have been having my doubts about it. sat will be week7
and i plan on updating some pics of it than.

Oh my area use to never be like this but just up until the last year crime in my next of the woods has been crazy, people walking outside to fuckers jacking hub cabs in the morning. lol

Its crazy i just cant wait to move.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry about your bug bro. Thats a FN tragedy. I hope you find them & do some justice.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Fucking Mexicans! LOL I will slap my wife today I am sure she is somehow related to the guy that hit your car! Sorry to hear about your luck brotha I am the same way as you I would rather just not live in a city! I like having a feild to get high in and watch nature. A buddy came over today and we smoked and played his Xbox all day! LOL felt like I was a kid again. Once again bro sorry to hear about your car, the only good side is that your parts are mass produced and it shouldn't be to hard to find parts. If I lived closer I would come and paint it for ya! ;) I use to be a mega yacht painter before I became a farmer! ;) Hey those beans should get there today or tomorrow so keep an eye out.