HOT Temps . Help ?


i live in CA And its usually 100+ everday and even sometimes 110+ how do i keep my outdoor babies from burning up ? ):


Well-Known Member
Keep them watered, maybe look into shade cloth, mulch around the base to keep the soil around the roots cooler and keep moisture from evaporating as quickly.


Well-Known Member
The past three days have hit 105 here. I don't know about norcal, but it looks like we're going to get a bit of cooling this coming week, forecast is calling for mid 90's early and high 80's later in the week. I don't even mind the 100+ days this time of year when humidity is low, but I am really not looking forward to August/September.


Well-Known Member
mulch, and vermiculite retain water well as can also add a drip bucket as backup on those extra hot days


You can also put ice on or under your mulch. Just let it melt and trickle down - works great for container grows too. :)

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
just water daily even if they dont need any to cool the roots...if they dont need any water just give em a taste


water polymers help to retain water. Gotta be careful how much you use tho. I used too many once, and after watering, they expanded so much that they actually pushed my plants right out of the buckets....